“Winds of Change"

As many know, I channel the energy of Mary, The Magdalene.  As an open channel, I too channel other energies that are “allowed” to come through.  I do channel a collective that are known to be as the VII Stars of Goliad.  This is their message as of today.

Beings of Earth
you are within the energies of the “Winds of Change”.

Within this energy is the dynamics of cosmic frequencies of “Oneness”.

You are seen as beings of ‘soul’.
the beings of ‘soul’ that you are are within the patternings of transference - transmission -
even the elements of “trans-gender” for you are truly genderless as ‘soul’ beings.

These elements of transference have scattered your energies not only in this dimension in which you reside but truly beyond what is perceived as the verily into the out dimensional realms.

At this time, these elements are in suspension.
It has yet to be determined where these elements will come to rest.

TRUST - All is Well


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