Alchemy of Aromatics

Alchemy of Aromatics

To me, this new age we find ourselves in brink of enlightenment is where we find ourselves at the place where remembering is not only available but, almost at a “mandatory” place.  For to remember is to integrate into oneness of self and to integrate oneness is to Ascend.

Full Definition of ALCHEMY
a    1) a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life
2   2) a power or process of transforming something common into something special
3   3) an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting

The definition I am given as the channel of Mary Magdalene:
“True Alchemy is the letting go of that which doesn’t serve or has never served to bring forth that which does serve”.

What does this have to do with aromatics and in particular, with essential oils?

At this time of the year, it is brought into our awareness regardless of religion, path and/or purpose the many varied reasons we celebrate and we come to the realization - it all has to do with Light.  To be more specific – the Light of Illumination in whatever form this may come.

Pagan followers celebrate Yule (the time of the Solstice) the time of the return of the light from the long winter’s darkness.
Those of the Jewish faith celebrate Hanukkah – Festival of Lights in celebration and remembrance of a time when there was little oil in which to keep the candles lit and they stayed burning for 8 days.
Those of the Christian faith celebrate the birth of Jeshua, The Christ – the one considered the Light of the World.

What each of these celebrations have in common is the aspect of the mysteries in which miraculous occurrences took place from the seasons of our planet – to very little oil burning for days – to the birth of one who had been prophesied to change the world.  All of these things created great alterations of thinking or rather an alchemical altering of thought and awareness.

As our country celebrates Christmas in so many different ways – this is not just a Christian holiday but, a time to remember and to celebrate alchemy or change in times and places where this is most needed.

Gifts were brought to Jeshua by the Magi.

Pervasive throughout the
Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia until late antiquity and beyond, mágos, "Magian" or "magician," was influenced by (and eventually displaced) Greek goÄ“s (γόης), the older word for a practitioner of magic, to include astrology, alchemy and other forms of esoteric knowledge. This association was in turn the product of the Hellenistic fascination for (Pseudo‑)Zoroaster, who was perceived by the Greeks to be the "Chaldean", "founder" of the Magi and "inventor" of both astrology and magic, a meaning that still survives in the modern-day words "magic" and "magician”.

In English, the term "magi" is most commonly used in reference to those who came from the East who visit Jesus in Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Matthew: Matthew 2:1, and are now often translated as "wise men" in English versions. The plural "magi" entered the English language from Latin around 1200, in reference to these. The singular appears considerably later, in the late 14th century, when it was borrowed from Old French in the meaning magician together with magic.

These “wise men” were ones who were well versed in magick.  They were those who worked with kings in regards to understanding the meaning of the universe and the alchemy within.  Their lives were spent in understanding signs of great portent – ones that would and could bring forth great change or Alchemy in the world in which they resided.

What were the gifts that were brought and were they so important to be mentioned biblically and still remembered so intensely to this day?
Frankincense and Myrrh – both precious and costly items that were only available to kings and houses of royalty.  That these would be brought to Jeshua was a statement that reached out far and wide.  These men – the magi – had seen in the stars and in other means of understanding magick that the arrival of this child meant great change in a hurting unbalanced world.  The gifts that were brought were a measure they felt would help to insure the message was fulfilled.

Why was Frankincense chosen?
For me personally, Frankincense is the Holy of Holies.  I feel it has the ability to transform through a transmitting of specific energy frequencies.  Frankincense is an all-purpose aid for human-kind.  It is still somewhat rare as there are only specific places in the world in which the Frankincense tree grows. 

Frankincense releases powerful vibrations for protection, purification and exorcism. Frankincense increases the potency of other oils and is an oil related to (sun/son) energy.  Frankincense used in magick is said to predispose the body and mind to sexual ecstasy. Frankincense elevates personal and spiritual love and heightens awareness on all levels by inspiring and awakening the spiritual senses. Frankincense is an oil of transformation that expands consciousness; it is said frankincense accelerates spiritual growth as it promotes the meditative state and opens the crown chakra, causing the energy bodies to drop into alignment and anchor in the physical. A cleanser of the body, aura, psychic planes and environment, frankincense removes all negative influences. Frankincense enhances divine connection and brings inner peace. Burn frankincense oil or resin for; protection, exorcism, spirituality, love, consecration, blessing, energy, strength, visions, healing, meditation, purification, luck, protection rites, power and courage.

Why was Myrrh chosen?
For me personally, Myrrh is a powerful transmitter as well as receiver regarding information being downloaded into our systems during this time of great acceleration and energy.  It can be and is used by those who are working to aid in ascension and integration of the individual as well as those who come into our paths.  To me, it is a powerful booster.

Myrrh enhances and strengthens spirituality, visualisation and meditation practise. Myrrh lifts vibrations and increases the potency of other oils. Myrrh has the ability to bring up deep, hidden, or unconscious feelings. Myrrh is purifying to the energetic environment and the human energy field and increases meridian flow. Burn myrrh oil or resin to; purify an area, to restrain evil influences and to break hexes. Myrrh is an ingredient in healing mixtures and is also used to consecrate, purify and bless objects. Myrrh is also associated with; Protection, Exorcism, Transformation, The Sacred; Cleansing, and Creating Peace.

Both of these amazing aromatics whether used as an oil, burned as resin, or simply having some of the energy in your presence have the power and authority to bring forth alchemical transformation of remembering and bringing forth the authentic soul self.

I feel when working with these 2 powerful aromatics it has the potential to bring those of human-kind immediately into what is called the Unified Field of Oneness.  This was the message and teaching of Jeshua and that of Mary Magdalene that to be effective on the planet, we have to move into Oneness of Body, Mind and Spirit.

The Unified Field Theory was basically “coined” by Einstein who attempted to unify the general theory of relativity and electromagnetism.  The “theory of everything” and “grand unified theory” are closely related to Unified Field Theory but do have differing attributes.

I have found when working with the Unified Field – I am able to move across dimensions and into places I haven’t visited in the past.  I know this is part of my ascension from this 3rd Dimension we have been part of for so long.  These aromatics are so ancient and yet part of the essence of the moment of the now.

I feel when understanding all of these attributes of Frankincense and Myrrh we have a better understanding as to why the “magi” brought these as gifts to this child born with so much promise of alchemical transformation of the world.

Approximately 4,000 years ago, Moses ushered in the Age of Aries when they worshipped the ram/lamb.
Christianity entered the scene at the beginning of the Pisces Age 2,000 years ago and the symbol for Pisces is the fish.

Now is the time to “Awaken the Sleeper” with this coming of the Age of Aquarius of which we are experiencing.
As a species, we are currently crossing from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Although many people consider the Age of Pisces to begin at year 0 with the birth of Jesus with Aquarian Age beginning at 2000, most astronomers agree that the Age of Pisces actually begin in year 498 C.E., indicating entry into Aquarius in 2658 C.E.

It is a time of great alchemical transformation and much of the information can be attained by the use of such aromatics as Frankincense and that of Myrrh.

Now – we come to the aspect of Gold as a gift to the child.  This gift has been the key of great contemplation, discussion of why would something so incongruous as gold be offered as a gift alongside such items as Frankincense and Myrrh?

The aromatics were so much more costly and treasured than gold. Also, regardless of the picture that has been painted through the years that Mary and Joseph were from poor “stock” is more than likely incorrect.  It has been studied and research that this family was well endowed with the monetary establishment and had little financial concerns.  So… again … why gold?

There has been much speculation as to this question “why gold”?

Many feel the “gold” was actually a resin in hardened form such as balsam that resembled “gold” in color.

Others, as do I, believe this “gold” was much more. 
I believe that as Jeshua matured through travel, tutelage and experimentation he became one of the greatest alchemists of all times.  It is spoken of biblically where he turned water into wine … and where he fed the multitudes with basically a loaf of bread and a few fish.  I believe there is much to this and it has to do with the “gold”.

Alchemists not only knew how to change base metals into precious metals but, they did so for varied uses.  This was not only done for monetary exchange.  The precious metals were, in ways not understood in the time we are in, ingested and used in tinctures and in alchemical transformation of body, mind and spirit.

Disclaimer here: Do NOT ingest gold or any precious metals as this can be deadly.

Many refer to this as the “white powder” of gold that has the ability to bring forth alchemical transformation.

This precious powder has been lost to mankind for thousands of years. It has been called many things through the ages. It has been called the Fruit of the Tree of Life, and Star fire-Gold of the Gods. More recently, it has received wide notice as the Philosopher`s Stone. It is the crown jewel of Western legend - the stuff of literature.

Laurence Gardner explains that the white powder of gold has been known to the initiated few for millennia.

The ancients believed this substance would facilitate extraordinary life-spans, and cure many diseases by allowing the body to operate as close to perfection as possible.

There has been much speculation and government involvement regarding the white powder and its uses and abilities.

We all have the ability to bring forth great alchemical changes physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I have found through the use of aromatics this is not just something that might happen but will happen if it is incorporated into everyday life.  The use of aromatics simply enhances all practices, awareness and endeavors and can do nothing but create great change through its frequency in the life of each individual.

Join me as each of us as individuals wakes in solidarity within the Unified Field of Oneness by stating:  “I choose to be awake.  I choose to be aware.  I choose to be alive.”

In this the choice is made to remember and to bring to full consciousness the true being we are at the soul level without the constraints of the human body our spirit is housed in at this time.  It is our ability through our awareness that aromatics have the ability to trigger and to bring forth full consciousness.

For within this unified field is the Law of Love.
Romans 13:8-10
Love Fulfills the Law

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of “Torah” – The Law.
Luke 2: 10
And the Messenger said to them, “Do not fear, for behold I announce hope to you! A great joy which will be to the whole world. For born to you all today (is the) Savior that is Master YHWH (the Tetragrammaton – the 4 great letters transliterated as Yahweh) the Mashiyach (Hebrew for Messiah), in the city of Dawid. And this is a sign to you; you will find an infant who is wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” And at that instant the great host of heaven appeared with the Messenger, glorifying Elohim and saying, “Glory to Elohim in the highest, and on earth peace and good hope to the sons of men.”
To me, this was and is the advent of Light – of transfiguration on all levels – of Alchemy.
The gifts offered were enhancement and insurance of the success of such a great Gift of Joy – and the Gift of the fulfillment of the Law of Love.

For it is my remembering of Jeshua - that as a Master Alchemist he held the ability to transform and transfigure himself or anything else into that which was most needed.  In this, his expression was for us to move toward and advance into the energy ability he held when he taught:
John 14: 12
Amen, (meaning “so be it”) amen I say to you that whoever believes in me, these works that I do, he will do also, and more than these he will do because I go to the Father.
I remember this.  In teaching these words, he was instructing us because of his ascent to the Father, we were offered the ability to understand the methodology and to do the same.  We have the ability to do and to create … and, we have the ability to ascend to that which is most high – Oneness with the Father/Creator.



We are the united energies of Mary and that of Jeshua.  Our message is today as it was at the time we walked this earth - one of peace and goodwill to all of mankind.  It was and is our mission – our soul’s joint purpose to bring this to fruition.  When we walked this earth, this was our introduction into the dimension in which you find yourselves residing.  We continue to walk this dimension - though now in Spirit form.  This is our choice. 
There are questions as to whether our energies have re-entered this dimension in physical form.  The answer to this is “yes” and “no”.  There are pieces of us in those who have walked with us throughout the eternity of existence who share “pieces” of us in this dimension and in the alternate dimensions.  As a whole, “no” – we remain in Spirit to offer guidance in this manner.  We are here for those who have “ears to hear” and for those who have a willingness to follow our united teachings of the Path of the Way.  It is simple and yet demanding.

We offer to you our anointing of love and protection if you should so seek us out and allow us within.



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