Something Interesting this way Comes...

Something Interesting this way Comes….

In the Fall of 2013, an interesting energy development entered our dimension and altered many of us in a myriad of ways.  It was not an easy transition as it was a time of “out with the old/in with the new”.  It was the beginning phase of a transitional time not only for the humans of this planet but, for energy sources throughout the cosmos.

I began working with a collective energy source that I had written about around 15 years prior to this that refers to itself as the “7 Stars of Goliad”.  What they were basically offering was their energy within our 3 dimensional awareness.  They are not a new energy for this planet but, one that doesn’t arrive often but, when they do, it is a time of great change and focus.  Their emergence in our world hasn’t often been successful.  This time … they came in with an agreement with the energy sources of familiarity to us to work in tandem.  They feel this has “softened” their appearance and is easing us into a more gentle kind of transition.

I have offered, since the Fall of 2013, a channeled energy sharing experience that names itself “Ascension Integration”.  It has been quite successful for me and for many who have experienced this transformational emergence of co-mingled energies.

As 2014 was coming to an end, I felt “Ascension Integration” doing somewhat the same.  And, in a sense, it has.

Instead of coming to an absolute end, it is recreating itself into something even more amazing. 
I began working with this new energy yesterday with my friend Gayle and it almost blew us out of our healing room, it is so powerful.  The source hasn’t offered a “name” yet and has said this is of no importance.  The “7 Stars of Goliad” were still present but in a different way.  They were more available as “over-viewing” or holding the space for the new energy.

In the channeling, the “7 Stars of Goliad” were speaking but, I felt somewhat in translation for the new energy that descended into the space.  Gaia had her message as well.  She is “done” with the energy of the word “Grounding” in her energy.  She is asking is to “Establish” ourselves within her.  As we become more and more established the more we will rise and elevate our beings.

The Earth is our home and we chose to be here.  She is saying we work so hard to reach “higher” places that we put ourselves in a space where we don’t realize the “heights” to be attained in being firmly established within her energy.  She is part of cosmic resource.  She has chosen to make Earth her home to aid us in ascending to new dimensional awarenesses but …. we talk of “grounding” in her be we do not make her our home.  We are carbon matter … We are The Earth.  Find the stillness of being the Earth instead of trying to leave.

I don’t have a name yet for the work this is transforming into … but, know very soon this will emerge in its totality and will be ready for me to offer to you.  

First and foremost, I am told, I must totally acclimate and move into the space with the deep understanding of “establishing” first in Gaia.  The work on me is in full process at this time and I am altering in many ways.  My physical body is working to keep up and I am assured it will be fine.  I am being changed in so many ways and in this, learning to be gentle with myself.

Shalom Aleichem
Susanah Magdalena
30 January 2015


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