Magdalene Mystery School
What is a Mystery School? And, What
are the Mysteries being taught?
A Mystery School is any place of higher esoteric
learning. The “mysteries” or the
revealing of the self through awareness of the cosmos, the earth, the
inhabitants of the earth and so on were taught through this type of teaching.
Teachers of the “mysteries” often just chose 1 student
throughout their life; for it was this student who would carry on when the
teacher was no longer in the physical.
The teaching of higher wisdom was only shared with a select few, those
who showed an interest and who seemed adept at pursuing knowledge through a
life’s dedication to higher wisdom. In
this, it seemed “mysterious” as the information wasn’t passed on to many.
There were actual schools or places of higher learning but,
again the teachings were only made available to those who were carefully
chosen. The teachers had a criteria of
what was looked for in a student and they strictly adhered to this set of
reasoning in their selection process.
When Jeshua made himself present on this planet, he do so
for a multitude of reasons. One of these
reasons was that his teachings would be available to anyone who had an interest
in learning what true humanity means and is.
He didn’t show preference to a certain faith, to a certain color of
people and he didn’t offer his teachings to men only. The teachings of the great I AM (Source) was
made available to all who sought him out.
And, in return he made himself available to offer all he could before he
The Apostle of Apostles was Mary (known as The Magdalene)
and all the knowledge he held was shared with her. She eventually was the one to carry on the
message of the teachings. Her *voice*
has been silenced through the years but, is loud, clear and strong in the time
we are in now.
I, Susanah Magdalena, have clear and distinct memories of
being here on the planet at the time of Jeshua and Mary. I remember the energy, power and force of
gentleness through the one known as The Christ (the anointed one). I also remember receiving his teachings
through his energy as well as through the teachings of Mary. She and I have been together for eons of time
… from before her life here in the physical and on into what is the
future. She is ever-present. Jeshua is ever-present for her and thus it
flows through to all in her care.
In the days we are in now, she refers to me as her Channel
and her Priestess for she shares with me the higher learnings of the “mysteries”
and is showing me to share this with this who seek me out and who are prepared
to dedicate themselves to personal development and spiritual awareness. This is a life-long dedication and one that
takes great perseverance.
In the Magdalene Mystery School, what is shared are
these teachings as share to me by Mary (as shared to her by Jeshua). Both are ever-present as one is not without
the other.
What are offered
in this place of higher learning are these topics:
Kabbalah – Kabbalah is an ancient and esoteric form of Judaic teaching. The Tree of Life is the visual aid in understanding exactly where we are in life at any given moment. It also enables us to see where we have come from and what we are working to achieve in this life. It is an archetypal journey of spiritual access to becoming the Creators of Our World.
Kabbalah – Kabbalah is an ancient and esoteric form of Judaic teaching. The Tree of Life is the visual aid in understanding exactly where we are in life at any given moment. It also enables us to see where we have come from and what we are working to achieve in this life. It is an archetypal journey of spiritual access to becoming the Creators of Our World.
Healing – Lynn Harms and Susanah Magdalena
offer Reiki to those who are seeking advancement in first of all the healing of
the self and then branching out to healing others, the world, the galaxy and so
on. The story of the Traditional System
of Natural Healing as taught by Dr. Mikao Usui is that Dr. Usui went on a quest
to find out how Jesus healed as a challenge by his students. I feel what Dr. Usui found is an integral
part to understanding the healing that was performed by Jesus and by those who
followed him.
Regarding Healing – I have found in the Gospel of
John great insight and this has been expanded on by Mary. There is much
controversy regarding the Gospel of John by scholars as to the authorship. It is held by many that the words shared are
those of Mary, The Magdalene. I find
this to be true and hear her attest to this and thus validating this
thinking. There are “7” keys or signs
that are offered through the Gospel of John that have the ability to transform
us into truly becoming the aspect of the Great I AM that we all seek. I am offering this teaching beginning in
June. This will offer profound change
and awareness to each person’s life who chooses to step into this and to
embrace what is shared.
Tarot – I have been asked what Tarot has to do
with The Magdalene. It has everything to
do with her and with her teachings as the Tarot holds the insight into
understanding the self and the journey each of us go through in this life as
well as in other lives. It is karmically
revealing and holds the *keys* to opening many doors if truly embraced. I love teaching Tarot, not only as a tool of
divination (as to use this intrinsic tool simply as a tool of divination is to
give it great dis-service), but as a tool of self-development and growth.
Aromatherapy – Mary was/is a master/teacher of
the uses of aromatics and this is shared throughout the Bible in the fact that
it was she who anointed Jeshua (thus bring forth the energy of him being the
khristos) and was there at the cross and when he was placed in the tomb for it
was those women who anointed his body in preparation. The frequency of
aromatics has the ability to aid you in alchemically transforming your world
into exactly how you’d like it to be.
I do offer periodic group channelings and other group
classes, etc that have to do with Ascension.
I offer Tarot Readings, Magdalene Channelings and sessions in Ascension Integration which is highly effective in gaining wisdom from realms not of our world.
I offer Tarot Readings, Magdalene Channelings and sessions in Ascension Integration which is highly effective in gaining wisdom from realms not of our world.
If interested in any of these topics and you aren’t finding
the info you’d like, please contact me and I’ll answer any questions you may
Susanah Magdalena (Tami Harms)
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