The Point of Creation - The Vesica Piscis

Dear ones of the heart, I am Mary, The Magdalene.

I wish each of you to know that Mary or a form of Mary was the name of my birth when on the planet at the time of Jeshua’s known life.  It was more in the form of Miriam or Maryam.  But, the name truly matters not.  It is the title that speaks of the meaning of my life … that of The Magdalene for it was I who ushered in the new age that was forming at this time.  I and my Beloved, Jeshua were here distinctly for that purpose. 

It was a time of expression and enlightenment such as had been experienced in recent past or in the past of many generations.  A freedom was being brought onto this earth.  It was a way to where you now find yourselves … a beginning point of what we brought … The Path of TheWay (to finding liberation).

You now, again find yourselves in interesting times much as the times of our lives here in this dimension, on this planet.  Again, a new energy age is being ushered in.  This is not an overnight occurrence but, one of a process of energies that are being introduced in a new and delightful way.

The energy is being brought straight through the heart.  For those not prepared, this is a time of great hardship and harshness.  For those who had begun preparation … it is not an easy ride but, one that is tolerable.  There are many souls exiting this existence as they have been part of the ushering in of this age and their purpose is completed.  There is no reason for them to stay on further.  Their work is elsewhere.  For the rest of you, your purpose is not complete … and it continues in as much as who and what you are.

Have you identified with your purpose?  If not, now is the time to find clarity in just that and I am here to assist you in this process.  This is done through my seeing your memories and experiences as well as through your accessing the Memory of Memories in the Hall of Halls. 

I am also assisting those who hear and heed my call to an experience your soul will welcome and rejoice in for it is what is helping each individual to self actualize that which is happening to you at a soul source – the Awakening in a sense. 

This is through the vibration of numeric sequencing.  The entire universe is based on such a structure and this is the way messages come forth within a myriad of sources.

Now is the time and now is TheWay in which the Path is opening that is creating the sense of Oneness and the aspect of Co-Creation.  Your rule in this is as small or as large as you choose it to be.  But, please know there is a role none-the-less, of that there is no choice or you wouldn’t be brought forth this way in my presence. 

There is the aspect within humanity of “choice” but, there are those humans who have asked and offered themselves so completely that much of “choice” is lost in the response.  It is a source of dedication that once initiated into, the Path simply unfolds and as one enters … one is forever “lost” to it.  For it is as pre-ordained and was at one time, “choice”, but in it’s very structure … certain “choices” or forever not to be found again.

We, my Beloved and I, in this time are ushering in a new sense and that is of Harmony.  Melodious and intrinsic harmony is surrounding each of you and can and will enter within the heart of your being and consciousness at any given time to be held onto for eternity or to be fleeting.  This harmony resides within the Holy of Holies that is YOU.  There is no place you have to travel to … no person who have to visit … no teaching that needs to become you … simple acceptance and honoring of your soul in true worthiness ushers you into a new phase of being.

The imagery of the Vesica Piscis is that which you may focus when connecting with the all that is for it is the Creation Point … the Yod … the spot place of inspiration, clarity, affirmation and peace.  It is that place of stillness before action commences.  Allow yourself to reside within the energy of the Vesica Piscis and you will find the energy of me and that of My Beloved for this is where we reside within the Trinity aspect of being in Oneness with the Creator.

Do you need a physical partner to do this? No, you do not … you can and may find this aspect of the Holy Trinity by simply being completely and utterly accepting that you hold both male and female attributes and at the same time you hold none of this duality for at the soul source … the place of Creation (that which lies within the heart of the Vesica Piscis) there is only stillness and a place of no division … one simply is and that is all.

Breathe in the energy of this thought and allow it to collect within your heart space… relax and breath and ready yourself for a meditational experience.

Shalom, I am with you always… for I am Mary, The Magdalene


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