
Showing posts from 2016

Today is the Dawn of a New Day

9 November 2016 Today is the Dawn of a New Day As a country, we woke this morning to a Republican President, a Republican House of Representatives, a Republican Senate and after appointment, the Supreme Court.  The aspects of checks and balances is gone. So, what now? Do we sit and wait in dreadful fear what is to come next? Or, do we embrace this situation and see it fully for what it is and the potential it holds? Personally, I say, "Bring it on..." As a country, all of us have been screaming for change.  We all know on so many levels our government is so flawed it is beyond repair. When a united front, makes such a noise there is nothing the Universe can do but respond. Because the noise has been in such disarray and chaos, the Universe could only respond in a way that the energy has been presented ... chaotically.  So, chaos we have. As a people of a powerful country, we have for so many decades thought our government was there to pr...

The Heart of Elohim

I know there are a variety of reasons to "Join" any Meetup, to "Like" any Facebook page, to "Follow/Friend" any individual.  I also know that The Beloved Heart Source "Magdalene Mystery School" is no exception and I know that I personally am also no exception. If you joined anything that I offer because of your interest in me personally, "The Mysteries" or perhaps your interest in "The Magdalene" ... or, perhaps you have the heart of a Mystic or the connection with Gnosticism ... Whatever the reason may be ... this is definitely the place to wet your appetite and to delve in at whatever degree is comfortable for you. For the past few weeks, I have gone through what I am calling a "Quickening". During this time, may sequential things have occurred and been exposed to and for me.  One of these is the aspect of Elohim.  I am finding, as Cheaylia (KeyHolder of the Memory Key of Lemuria), the has a deep an...

Judgement vs Opinion

I have been exploring the aspect of “judgement” for awhile now.  In my opinion, as humans we are all judging at some level at some time. But, what does this really mean and how can I/we better understand at the individual and collective level. I know that many of us who feel we are “enlightened” feel we have been judged by society? the church? our families? And so on…. But, as we feel this judgement placed on us, we in turn move into judgement as well.   We then judge society, the church, our families, etc in that we think all will treat us as one aspect has.   We also don’t give credit to the fact that change does occur and perhaps that area that we have felt judged has changed and no longer judges us as we have felt happen before. Then, I began to explore what the difference between judgement and opinion might potentially be. This happened through a personal experience.   I was spending time with Jane (name is changed to protect the innocent).   J...

Do you know what the "War" is for?

I was on my way with Lynn (my husband) to meet friends to see "Star Trek Beyond" and was looking at my phone.  I saw a post by someone I know referencing this movie. This was the comment:   " I went see the new Star Trek movie yesterday.  Every single one of the previews we saw was violent and involved violence, war and murder. I am disappointed that Hollywood is setting such a violent and nasty example. I can't help but believe that, that is part of what is going wrong with our world today - violence is what our young people are seeing on the silver screen. Regarding the movie - eh ......" As a Star Trek LOVER, I was thinking ... Wow, I hope the whole idea of Star Trek hasn't been lost.  I love Gene  Roddenberry and the visionary that he was. As I watched the movie, I kept thinking of the comment I had read.  I also thought about the previews I saw and if they all depicted war and violence.  I didn't *see* that to the extend expressed above...


I understand it's part of the human experiences to be "challenged" but, the Rebel in me says, "What the heck? Why me?"  :) For the past 9 months I have been in a series "funk".  I have experienced things I never thought to go through.  One of these has been that dark friend ... depression.  Why call it "friend" well, what else is there to say about it.  It's almost like the song "Hello Darkness My Old Friend".  It comes upon us to teach us and hopefully propel us to something more. I keep being shown again and again that there is a God and that there is a Plan within the Divine and for this I am blessed for through this I can find myself out of the darkness that prevails at times. I finally came to the point where I had to just tell myself I was tired of this, wasn't going to deal with it anymore and just move forward.  Because of this new and different doors are open and the energy of God is revealing itself as even m...

How to the Pieces Fit?

I am one who always looks for the connection - how do the pieces fit? Who am I? What am I? What is my Purpose? Where do I fit? How does my life serve? Life is interesting and the unfolding brings forth marvelous bits and pieces of understanding. For years now, I have been in the fold of Mary, The Magdalene in an unconditional way.  Within this fold, there was Jeshua and all of those who were close companions with Mary and with Jeshua... 24 others in fact.  It has been a time of extreme beauty of identifying with the questions above.  I have learned and understood who I was and what my purpose was during the time we were together. I never realized this journey was only a small piece of the puzzle leading me further back to the inception of my soul being.  Through a recent process of weird sleep patterns, re-connections, clearings and healings more has come into my field of awareness. I have known for years I am not one who was from the Atlanteans.  At one...