Today is the Dawn of a New Day

9 November 2016
Today is the Dawn of a New Day

As a country, we woke this morning to a Republican President, a Republican House of Representatives, a Republican Senate and after appointment, the Supreme Court.  The aspects of checks and balances is gone.

So, what now?
Do we sit and wait in dreadful fear what is to come next?
Or, do we embrace this situation and see it fully for what it is and the potential it holds?

Personally, I say, "Bring it on..."

As a country, all of us have been screaming for change.  We all know on so many levels our government is so flawed it is beyond repair. When a united front, makes such a noise there is nothing the Universe can do but respond.

Because the noise has been in such disarray and chaos, the Universe could only respond in a way that the energy has been presented ... chaotically.  So, chaos we have.

As a people of a powerful country, we have for so many decades thought our government was there to protect us and to be a representation of us to a world at large.  This has ceased to exist.

I see it this way; we have all been sheep for so very long.  Some of the sheep love the protection of the herd and the shepherd and are contact to stay where they are in the belief that the company of their own kind and their watchful shepherd will keep them from harm (even when the occasional wolf takes one of them).  Some of the sheep look around and see that there are hundreds of sheep and only one shepherd and that there is no fence and begin to *see with eyes to see and to *hear with ears to hear that there is a way out but, there has to be a semblance of thought.  Some of the sheep rebel against the system of the herd and of the shepherd and butt their heads to only have their controlled situation tightened (fences go up when there had been none previously).

In the moment of today, there are still those that are comfortable and content with things as they are and leave it at that.  There are those who have *seen* and *heard* and understand there is a better way.  And, there are those who are butting their heads and fighting to keep it the same way but, to gain control.


Those of us who have *seen* and *heard* and have not only "screamed" for help but, have sent the conscious universal message of help have been answered.  In the aspect of no "checks and balances", this is the opportunity for those in the highest of places to be seen and heard exactly as they are with nothing to rein them in.  We, the ones who have *seen* and *heard* are the majority and we are the ones who have created that which we find ourselves within.

It seems extremely painful to be here but, we did ask for this.  Because of this, karmically we cannot leave the situation.  For it is our responsibility in the face of accountability to see this through ... to see and hear it for what it is.  This is a time to hold our collective light and as a collective it shines ever bright with clarity.  It is the potential to shine on even the darkest of situations to bring it to a place of illumination (full disclosure).

It is no one person's doing and yet it is every person's doing.  One side banned together to keep the old system in place. Another side did not.  The other side split in consciousness to do what was needed and that was to bring about the "change" energy in a big way.

Now, the question is, "What do we do with this now?"

We are in the place of The Tree of Life on the lower portion of the tree where change occurs.  We are at the place of The Tower (that of chaos).  That which crosses The Tower is Temperance (the most alchemical card in the deck).  This place is potent with the power of change ... big change ... to break away from that which doesn't serve or perhaps never has to bring forth that which does serve.  

After moving through this energy, there is still a long way to go.  For we have to break the chains of Past Conditionings (The Devil) and we have to allow all of the chaos animosity to die (Death). Only when moving through this will the Universe be given the opportunity to bring forth peace, tranquility and empowerment we as a people long for.

As stated in our Declaration of Independence (which is happening at this very moment ... we are declaring our independence):

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all meant are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the content of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

As stated in the Declaration of Independence that when our unalienable rights are threatened when a government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new government.

Today is the Dawn of a New Day

What would happen on Inauguration Day, all who divot for Donald Trump ... peaceable ... showed up in Washington DC? What if we simply flooded the city with our presence?

If we did, the city flow would shut down.  Nothing would be able to move in or out.

What if we just stood? What if we said nothing? What if we had no signs? What if we were just there? What if we made the point to be there as long as necessary?

What if we got noticed? What if we were listened to and heard? What if we were asked what we wanted? What if we had the opportunity to make a demand? What if we could demand a conscious president and conscious people to hold him/her accountable.  What if we made the choices?

What if?

United We Stand (as people of consciousness)
Divided We Fall


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