Do you know what the "War" is for?

I was on my way with Lynn (my husband) to meet friends to see "Star Trek Beyond" and was looking at my phone.  I saw a post by someone I know referencing this movie.

This was the comment: 
"I went see the new Star Trek movie yesterday. 
Every single one of the previews we saw was violent and involved violence, war and murder. I am disappointed that Hollywood is setting such a violent and nasty example. I can't help but believe that, that is part of what is going wrong with our world today - violence is what our young people are seeing on the silver screen. Regarding the movie - eh ......"

As a Star Trek LOVER, I was thinking ... Wow, I hope the whole idea of Star Trek hasn't been lost.  I love Gene Roddenberry and the visionary that he was.

As I watched the movie, I kept thinking of the comment I had read.  I also thought about the previews I saw and if they all depicted war and violence.  I didn't *see* that to the extend expressed above.

I hope that everyone realizes that these "new" Star Trek movies go back in the timeline (prior to the original series with the "older" Captain Kirk).  This is the place where these people moving out into the cosmos were mavericks ... blazing the trail.

With the intent of the Federation of Planets is that of "peace" ... not of war, violence and nasty examples. As the timeline moves forward, this is achieved.  In The Next Generation, the is no longer money, no famine, no starvation, no disease and there is a peaceful move towards bringing a large community together within peaceful alliances.

There were a couple of key phrases in the movie I saw yesterday.
The first one was when Krull (the villain) says to the young Captain Kirk, "Without Struggle would you really know who you are?"

In the human existence it is through Struggle that we find that what must be found ~ the place of Merciful Kindness.  Without this Struggle, we would not even know what Mercy or Kindness was.

Towards the end of the movie, again Krull (the villain) and the young Captain Kirk are together again in dialogue.  It seems that Krull is actually a human that has taken on a villainous form due to his own anger and misinterpretation.  He had been trained as a warrior within the military of the United States.  When the need for the military ended, this man was then placed as a Captain within the Federation of Planets.  He had been created as a warrior, as a military man and who knows what was done to him to create this person within the US Military of the time?  Then, to place him within a peaceful place was something he knew nothing of and had no experience in.  He was trained to fight.  

In the conversation at the end, the young Captain Kirk tells the one now known as Krull that he is of a peaceful mission and time and there is no going back to another way and in this he has to do whatever is necessary to keep the peace for the multitudes.

I think we have to learn that through the time we are in, we are much the mavericks.  We are the one's paving the way for peace, unity and community alliances.  We do have to stay out of "fear" but, to stay on our toes regarding concern and being aware that all is not what it seems.  We have to stay in a place of integrity and of discernment.

For as we move forward, there will be many with us moving towards peace.  But... there will be many of an old generation and way of thinking that has been engrained for generations that will have to take their place one way or another for new thought to take place.  We have to know that as we push for peace there will be just as many or more pushing to stay in the old place of "war".

We have to find the place where we all truly understand and can answer the question presented,
"Do I know what the "war" is for?"

In this, I don't feel Hollywood is presenting a nasty example.  I feel it is presenting a "realistic" example and one we must be aware of at all times.  That of integrity and that of honor and that of hope must prevail at all times to bring forth that harmony we all seek to find.

I feel, from the beginning, this is what Star Trek and many other movies, stories, books of this nature are about ... Hope for a better world.  And this means not only our earth but, the world as it extends out into infinity.


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