
I understand it's part of the human experiences to be "challenged" but, the Rebel in me says, "What the heck? Why me?"  :)

For the past 9 months I have been in a series "funk".  I have experienced things I never thought to go through.  One of these has been that dark friend ... depression.  Why call it "friend" well, what else is there to say about it.  It's almost like the song "Hello Darkness My Old Friend".  It comes upon us to teach us and hopefully propel us to something more.

I keep being shown again and again that there is a God and that there is a Plan within the Divine and for this I am blessed for through this I can find myself out of the darkness that prevails at times.

I finally came to the point where I had to just tell myself I was tired of this, wasn't going to deal with it anymore and just move forward.  Because of this new and different doors are open and the energy of God is revealing itself as even more tangible and accessible.

A couple of years ago I was challenged by my closest family members (as I have been thoughout my life).  At this time, I had basically come to the conclusion that my family was simply something I was going to  have to leave behind as I moved even more closer to God and to my plan.  I realized that their support, acknowledgment, and so one wasn't really necessary.  Yes, it would be nice ... but, necessary ... no.  All that is required of me is that I stay true to the calling Spirit has laid on my heart.  The thoughts, feelings and expressions of my family simply are not pertinent.

But... God had a different plan and wanted me to know that family is important.  I reached out to family that I hadn't been in touch with for awhile and lo and behold ~ I found support!  There is a God and there is a plan!  I realized I had placed judgment on "family" and that if part weren't going to support me ... none of the would.  I was wrong and this was pointed out quite clearly.  I am supported in so many places.  I just need to stay out of the place of "judgment" and in the place of forgiveness first and foremost to myself and once again Divinity is Revealed!

I have just had another such experience.  Through my family (the ones who don't support me) I have also felt judgment of their thoughts, feelings and choices.  Through this, as it is "church based", I have felt judgment from "the church".  In this, I placed judgment on the church.  I actually said a couple of months ago to myself that I would never set foot inside of a traditional church again.

haha That was a joke ... as God had a totally different plan.
Today, I find myself in an office space inside of a traditional Lutheran Church.  This church is a place (though traditional) that is opening to different concepts, vision and wisdom.  And yes! I am part of this within the Divine Plan and guess what? I am once again placed where Divinity is being Revealed.

We, as a metaphysical/spiritual community have felt judgment from the church.  Because of this, we have turned and have passed judgment as well.  We have decided there is no place for us ... but, bridging the gap is where healing begins and where we find Oneness and Harmony as a race.

I am blessed beyond reason and am more than ready to take accountability and responsibility for who and what I am and all that this means.

I am a child of God and I am deserving of the rewards this offers.


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