Meeting You Where You Are
I have wondered what I would Blog about but, as always, Spirit offered me the place of insight. This is about contradictions, duality, separation and all the other words that describe ‘dividing’ energies.
First of all, as Summer has arrived … I have found myself in an interesting place of reflection. Of all the seasons, summer is my least favorite. Why is that? I think it is because it brings me to all those disparaging thoughts and vibrations.
I LOVE the Sun! but… I don’t like to sweat.
I LOVE the Sun! but… I don’t like to be over-heated.
I LOVE to be Tan but… it then takes me to the above things I don’t like.
I LOVE the advantages of being outdoors that Summer offers! but… I don’t like bugs, etc.
I LOVE the Sun! but… I don’t like to be over-heated.
I LOVE to be Tan but… it then takes me to the above things I don’t like.
I LOVE the advantages of being outdoors that Summer offers! but… I don’t like bugs, etc.
I am finding these same things in my world as a Spiritual entrepreneur.
There are those who follow the structure of:
I am going to charge and yes, my prices are high but… I am worth it and because of this, I won’t discount.
Then, to the completely other side of the equation… I have a hard time charging because I would love the opportunity to simply be of service.
There are those who follow the structure of:
I am going to charge and yes, my prices are high but… I am worth it and because of this, I won’t discount.
Then, to the completely other side of the equation… I have a hard time charging because I would love the opportunity to simply be of service.
Anyone who is a “Spiritual Professional” has been faced with both sides of this
and yes, we have all been challenged and have taken one side.
and yes, we have all been challenged and have taken one side.
What if???
What if there were no sides and we didn’t have to choose which ‘rule’ to follow?
What if we could, on a personal level, find a harmony within these choices?
What if we could step into a place of Pure Unadulterated Compassion?
What if there were no sides and we didn’t have to choose which ‘rule’ to follow?
What if we could, on a personal level, find a harmony within these choices?
What if we could step into a place of Pure Unadulterated Compassion?
What would this look like? and, how could this serve our community
and at the same time our worth and value in what we bring forward?
and at the same time our worth and value in what we bring forward?
My prices have fluctuated through the years. I find that when I ask Spirit what I need to charge, the price I am given in answer is higher than I would have chosen.
Why is this?
When I have asked, this is the answer:
When I have asked, this is the answer:
When the Investment Exchange is placed on a high level, there are those who will step into this … those that have the resources to do so and are in a place of being unrestricted financially. On the other hand, it offers the opportunity for me to reach those who may not have the same kind of resources by offering various ways to help make this happen.
What I have personally found is that people do want to pay me and they want to pay me the price I have set. In this time of physical/financial challenges, they are simply trying to figure out how to make this happen so they can receive what they feel they need and, at the same time, to honor and respect me.
When this is the situation and finances are a challenge, I have found when I ask, “How can I help you make this happen for yourself?”, generosity speaks loud and clear. Again, it’s not that they don’t want to pay my price. I then work with them creating that which will enable them to do what they need to do for themselves in a way that is not detrimental.
In this, I follow the Teachings of the Master Y’shua in that he met us where we were and are and we are to do the same … to be the example of Merciful Kindness that is Compassion.
Example: I had someone come to me who wanted to do extensive work with me but was trying to figure out how to pay it all. She and I talked and came up with a plan that worked for both of us. She paid my full price … in installments. We set dates and I set up recurring invoices that were sent to her and voila! we both received what was needed.
Example: I had someone reach out to me saying they felt they needed my insight and wisdom. As a single mom and struggling financially (she and her daughter had been living in the car for some time and she was just getting back on her feet) she didn’t know if she could afford me. Well, I definitely don’t want to be part of a child not eating or having a place to live. I told her this, “Please don’t let money hinder you. I will work with you. This is what I want to do for you. I leave this in your hands. Pay me what you can comfortably offer and I am fine with that.” She said, “I want to pay you.” and she did … not my full price but it was nice for both of us what we each received.
It’s like the 3 Bears.
1 bed is too hard | 1 bed is too soft | 1 bed is JUST right.
1 bed is too hard | 1 bed is too soft | 1 bed is JUST right.

I pulled a card on Monday entitled “Truth”. I pulled another card today focusing on what I needed in writing this article.
I pulled, once again, “Truth”.
The message is urging me to be MY Truth and in this it is my vow and promise that I will reach each person exactly where they are and do my best to bring you to Empowerment … regardless.
Be who and what I AM in the NOW and don’t look back is my personal message.
This card is asking you this question:
How does Truth present itself to you?
This card is asking you this question:
How does Truth present itself to you?
and, furthermore, how do you respond?
Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena
You can find The Beloved Heart Source on Facebook, Meetup, Instagram and YouTube!
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