It's not about ME. It's about WE.

It’s not about ME.  It’s about WE.

I have recently been challenged to go within. I had someone I truly respect ask me a week or so ago if I understood we are creators.  My answer was, “Yes”.

I have another friend that has challenged me in the past and continues to challenge me with the question, “Do you Believe or Do you Know?”  This is something I continue to ask on a regular basis to see where I am regarding various situations. 

I don’t just understand WE are creators. I Know WE are.
I also Know WE have created our world as it has been, as it is now and are in the process of creating it as it will be or perhaps how it is or is not in various timelines, etc.

Is what we are creating pretty? Well, in view of current events, for the time, that answer to this is ‘no’.

I have also been saying for some time: United we Stand. | Divided we Fall and are Conquered.
In the past this has been basically about politics.  The concept of KNOWING that we have to come together in Agreement (even if it is to agree to disagree) with respect is paramount.

Now, I am seeing another element of this division. Those of us who have stood together are now becoming divided and the reason for this is the feeling of ‘rights’. What rights are mine? What rights are yours? What rights are everyone else’s?  

Exactly what are rights? and, personal freedoms?
Have we ever had any or is it all an illusion … the concept of rights and freedom. Or have we had rights all along and not claimed them?

As a Kabbalist and in studying the Tree of Life, I have a personal perspective of Knowing.
The lower portion of the Tree are the sephirot numbered 6-10 (with 6 being the connective part as it is the heart of the tree).  In the lower part of the tree is the energy of working through the physical, trying to figure out how it works and how to move past fear of the unknown in readiness to move up and on through the tree. This is all done through the physical/mental aspects of being. How do I lift My rose colored glasses to see what might possibly be available.

This lower part of the tree is essentially a place of the Ego … good, bad & indifferent.
It is the place where we are focused solely on the self and how we as an individual can figure things out.
It is also the place where we are very concerned about free will/free choice. 

What I am *seeing* in our world on myriads of levels is the Ego stepping forward … in protection (as this is one thing the ego does, it protects). The Ego is all over the place as its not sure where to focus and therefore there is conflict even amongst those that normally are united. 

When we look at the individual sephirah #6 (Tiphareth – the Place of Beauty), this is the place of the meeting of the minds – the place of Christ Consciousness offering the opportunity to come together out of division.  For the first time, perhaps, to see and understand the We.

As we step forward from the 6th sephirah and come into the place of the sephirot numbered 7-8, we are truly challenged as we enter the emotional entangled of human-ness. It is my Knowing that this is where many of us who are in the process of ascending. The 5th sephirah of Geburah (Severity) challenges our worthiness and pushes us out of the chaos of our making into the place of Loving Kindness offered at Tiphareth.  

Tiphareth - Love + Geburah – Forgiveness
This is THE challenge at this time.

Once we begin to embrace these aspect and they are allowed to meld and through Love & Forgiveness (first and foremost of the self) do we find what we are here at this time to integrate - - - Mercy.
The 7th sephirah (Chesed) IS the Place of Mercy leading to Merciful Compassion.  This is the challenge of humankind at this time to enter the place of Merciful Compassion.

When we move up and past Tiphareth, we enter the Place of We. There is still free will/free choice as this is an inherent human right. But… it sort of takes a back burner… as we step into our personal Divinity. Our longing to be compassionate outweighs the need to be right or to be worried about the ME aspect. It becomes not so ever-present as a NEED. It simply is and it is where it needs to be.

Yes, we are all in this together.
No, we are not all experiencing it in the same way.
Yes, it will – in time – bring us closer (hopefully to unity).

Unity/Oneness … what is this? Is it a place of ME/I? Or is it a place of WE?
(even in the place of physicality).

As a planet, we have been internally and outwardly screaming for change. Well, guess what? it is here.
Do I believe We are Creators? I KNOW We are Creators? We have created our world just as it is in this very moment.

Those of us who are in the process of becoming awakened and ascending, we have been internally and outwardly LONGING for Oneness.  But, in this place of human-ness, do we understand what this means?
I am not sure.  

I am a ‘trekkie’ and there are many reasons for this. I love the concept of traveling through space and experiencing other worlds, life forms, etc. There is truly something deeper though in my interest and passion for Star Trek. I feel it has to do with Gene Rodenberry who I consider a revolutionary visionary.

If you move past everyone flying around space and you bring the visual back to Earth. What is it you see?
Unity | Harmony
There is no more hunger. There is no disease. The people of Earth are doing what they love and they love their life.

How did this happen?  Did it happen by everyone worrying about rights or losing rights? Who knows?
Maybe it did. Maybe the Utopia of Earth in Star Trek has come after a long battle (which is referenced periodically but, we don’t actually see the extremities of this)?

All I Know when I watch this is that this is something I want to be part of. It is a longing of my soul to be part of this revolutionary process of, in time, liberating the human condition.

Now, if we look at Star Trek from another point of view, it is very socialistic.
There is no monetary system so where does everything come from? Probably the United Federation of Planets of which takes care of all the life-forms under its order?

In the midst though is a sense of Utopia.

utopian society is an ideal society that does not exist in reality. Utopian societies are often characterized by benevolent governments that ensure the safety and general welfare of its citizens. Society and its institutions treat all citizens equally and with dignity, and citizens live in safety without fear.

Are WE in the process of creating a Utopian Society?  Perhaps? Perhaps not…
I will say though it is a longing of my soul to create this on this planet, as I know many of us have experienced on other worlds. This is what I choose to be part of.

As I personally create, it is with the WE in mind.

In regards to our current situation, I am sharing something I shared on Facebook last week and will continue to share within the aspect of WE.

This pretty much sums it up for me. It can really be applied to many of the restrictions in place. For me, it's a choice I would make, regardless of "requirements" just like washing hands, keeping appropriate distance, staying home when I can etc. 
I don't necessarily think the masks do much, but it's not about me. None of it is about me; it's about doing my part to protect those that need it and providing even a small sense of safety when out in public around others. Even if you think it's silly or unnecessary, if it provides a glimpse of calm for someone else, why not?
"I wear a mask in public, not for me, but for YOU. I want you to know that I am respectful and educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
No, I don’t “live in fear” of the virus, I just want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. I don’t feel like the “government is controlling me”, I feel like I’m being a contributing adult to society and I want to teach children the same.
I want them to grow up as I did knowing that the world doesn’t revolve around me. This is not all about me and my comfort. I personally feel living in regard and with people’s consideration in mind, this whole world would be a much better place.
Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid or even “controlled”, it makes me considerate.
When you think about how you look, or how uncomfortable it is or what others think of you, just imagine someone close to you....A Father, a Mother, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle or ME...choking on a respirator or a ventilator. Then ask yourself if you could have sucked it up a little for them."

Please know I have a deep regard and respect for each and every one of you who are reading this. I do my best to meet you where you are and am creating the space for you to do the same for me.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Magdalena


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