Is Fear the Virus?

Over the past few weeks I have been contemplating fear ... what it is and what it is not.

Through this process, I have asked myself, "What do I think the main thing is that Spirit has been trying to teach me throughout my life? What is it I always hear from my guides, from my heart and from others?"
If I am in fear then I am not in the place of Trust ... the one thing that has been my message throughout my life.

I learned from an invaluable Spiritual Teacher ... All we, as humans, want need and desire is to be listened to, heard and validated that what we think, feel & need to say has value.  We do not have to agree with one another but, it is human courtesy to understand through wisdom that everyone does not resonate exactly as we, as individuals, do.

So... here I am sharing. In this, it is my prayer that you will listen, hear & validate that what I am saying has importance to me. In turn, I understand & accept that you may not agree.

Through the past 30+ years, TRUST has been a big issue for me because honestly I had little to trust in. I have been wounded. In working with 5 specific Heart Wounds for the past couple of years, I find I am being liberated ... into Trust (in the re-gaining of Self-Trust). 

These 5 specific Heart Wounds are
Abandonment (this is the main one for me as I have felt from the beginning of my memories that I have been abandoned).
Denial - when feeling abandonment so strongly, the denial of authenticity is present.
Judgment - when feeling abandoned and denied, the presence of Judgment comes forward in how I feel I am perceived and by being ostracized through many acts of others.
Separation - when abandonment, denial & judgment pile on - the feelings of always being on the outside looking in is present.
Betrayal - feelings of being betrayed by this life in its totality as abandonment, denial, judgement & separation make themselves known and felt.

I have been part of these Wounds not only in the unawakened world but also (sadly) in the world of my 'spiritual' peers.

The Healing of Abandonment is Self-Love.
The Healing of Denial is Truth.
The Healing of Judgment is Forgiveness.
The Healing of Separation is Surrender.
The Healing of Betrayal is Trust.

When one enters the aspect of Trust... Total Trust... the other wounds find a place where they can too be healed. This is the point where we must find and understand the State of Grace, which to me is the Place of Compassionate Action. This starts with me and then extends outwards.

If I am caught up in fear ... there is no way Trust can enter in.

Through the past few months of the pandemic, coronavirus, COVID-19 we have been infiltrated with pure fear from our government, advertising/gaslighting, etc. We are being brainwashed. Everything can be validated and therefore nothing can be validated.

This is a HUGE movement shifting us into TRUST.

What? Who? When? Where? How? are we to Trust?
We Trust in our Hearts. We Trust in our personal/internal KNOWING. We move past fear into full unadulterated TRUST!

I KNOW the vibration (not the word) of LOVE conquers all. I know that it has the power & authority to alter anything to harmonious state.

I have been saying this, "I wear a mask in public to ease fear in others..." (regardless of whether it works or not is irrelevant).

Now, I am *hearing* (as a clairaudient) ... "the mask is the fear" "the fear is the virus".
When I place the mask on, it elicits fear ... fear of the unseen (virus, my face, etc) ... the fear of the unknown (the virus, my face, etc).
The vibration of the mask, to me, is that there is something sinister and therefore something to 'fear'.

I find myself moving past the illusions of the new, the government, the gaslighting, etc to shift fully into what I know in my heart.

I now wear a mask in public because of how I will be perceived if I don't ... which to me is not Truth.
I now wear a mask in public because I don't trust what those outside will do if I do not.

I don't wear a mask in my car, in my home or in my Sacred Space because I KNOW without a doubt there is no way the virus (whatever it may be) can step into Sacredness. I have assurance. I know this in my heart. In this I Trust.

If you see me not wearing a mask, please do not abandon me, deny me the right to my truth, judge me for KNOWing, separate me from your love or betray me in any way. Please respect my Truth as I will do my absolute best to respect yours.

I offer to you Peace that passes Understanding... Shalom Aleichem


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