What to Blog about...???

I haven't blogged for awhile and I haven't made any new YouTube videos ... I feel like I have been in a place of stasis. I feel as if I have been placed within the 'Sound of Silence' and in this have reserved this space as needed.

The Universe has challenged me to fully engage with my Divinity and to step out in Total Trust. I have done my best to do so.  I am in a place of this engagement and it is driving me to new levels of a deeper understanding from the vantage point of the observer. 

In this, all I can do is be True to me and what I am shown to the core of my being and my Knowing.

In this, I am only me. I am striving to be the best me I can be.

I am in a place now, where I am once again feeling the need to reach out & for connection.

Shalom Aleichem, Susanah Magdalena


  1. Love to you, dear Susanah. Blessed are you as you stand in your Truth. I look forward to seeing you later this month.


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