
Showing posts from August, 2012

The Dark Night of the Soul

I have always heard the term "The Dark Night of the Soul" but, never really truly understood it's meaning until I began working with and studying Kabbalah.  This is such a personal and introspective study, that it has made me realize many things including the path of "The Dark Night of the Soul". I have realized that I have gone through these periods more times than I would have thought possible in my life.  But, through each of these points, I have moved that much higher in my ascension to attain connection with God.  Each of these experiences has brought me closer to the understanding of who I am and where I am going. I have always said that every experience I have gone through has brought me to the exact place I am in at this moment.  And, I am happy with me and my connection with God.  I have just realized so much more. The moments that have been the most painful are the ones that have brought me closer to actualization and realization. I've had ...


The past couple of days have definitely been an aspect of the "dark night of my soul".  I have been hurt to the core of my physical existence and yet at the same time, been shown I am right where I am meant to be.  I have also been shown to continue in the Great Work and not to falter because as life progresses all will be made clear. I began working with Kabbalah about 8 months ago.  Kabbalah is intense and requires dedication, passion and integrity of self.  This type of study delves into all aspects of the self to bring one closer to God.  In each aspect of the Kabbalah Tree of Life are pathways of understanding and application.  Through this work, one is shown all aspects, people, places and things that influence life and relationship with God. In attaining God, one must travel through the abyss known as "Da'ath", the hidden place within, the dark place where you have to look to find the lantern of the light of God. Right now, I am in the midst of...


It has come to my mind that any kind of spiritual passion or conviction brings about discord.  It seems as if no matter how one believes in God or in Jesus, because everyone doesn't believe the same way ... there is division. In my personal spirituality, I strive to bring myself to that personal connection to God ... always; to feel the bliss of being in God's presence.  I honor anyway anyone can find this as well as I know that basically as humans, this is what we all strive for.   I also understand how difficult this can be and that the choice to do this is one of perseverance and dedication. Why then? is something so simple and so pure as living for and loving God ... so difficult? I just wonder why we all can't find a place to honor where each of us are as individuals in our relationship with God and Jesus.  Why can't we all reach God and Jesus on our own terns?  Why is it felt by some that it has to be a certain way? If God is infinite and within al...
Lynn and I went to see "Hope Springs" which was extremely wonderful.  This movie is the absolute perfect example of the awakening of the beauty of the Divine Feminine.  It showed the gentle spirit of a woman awakening to her power and how amazing this is.  The man in her life, though slow to respond, was allured by her Spirit and couldn't resist. This movie is a beautiful example for all of those searching to understand exactly what is meant by "Divine Feminine".  I would urge anyone interested in this and/or interested in finding what can transpire in a relationship with a little perseverance and allure. Men love us when we are in our power, when we are lovely, when we are alluring...  They simply can't resist that kind of beauty in a woman.  We are a gentle power and finding this inside is so empowering.

A Little Advice

I find this interesting and something we should all consider when "quoting" biblical principles. Do we live by the Biblical Law?  If we are going to take and make part of our lives one aspect of Biblical Law is that ok? or do we have to make all aspects of Biblical Law part of our lives?  Where do we draw the line? and, what part of the Bible to we follow, omit, etc............? A place of pondering... Curtis Nichouls Being Liberal August 4 at 8:19pm · ·                                   On her radio show, Dr. Laura said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Schlesinger, written by a US man, and po...


In the moment of living within a place of ... LOVE ... and standing away from ... DISCORD ... I find myself faced with bringing Truth forth. I am realizing how much untruth is all around us from what we have learned in school to what we have learned in "church".  Information has been altered to fit whatever the social condition of the time is. Our history regarding the founding fathers of our country is basically false.  These men were incredible people who stood up and put their lives and the lives of their families in jeapardy to create a world separate of tyranny from the king and from the church.  They were looking to create a world through a flexible government that could pass the test of time ... one that could grow.  Their lives and what they were looking to create has been so altered that very few (unless they look on their own) know and understand the truth of these men and the truth of what they worked so hard to achieve ... a country that offered a pla...


I am feeling discord all around me in all aspects of life and am stepping away from discord.  I will not stop making a stand regarding my beliefs and my feelings on aspects but, discord.... I am just tired. The collective discord and division - upcoming election.  No one can win on their own merits but, will win because of who bashed who the most.  Ridiculous!  The collective discord and division - Aurora shooting.  It's not only about a horrible thing that happened to so many people but, that this thing that happened to so many people has raised an issue that is heavy with discord.  Gun Laws.  I have good and bad experiences with guns and still feel that to ban guns all together is not the answer.  And, when we talk of banning or restricting guns ... we have to ask ourselves ... how far do we take this.  There have been police officers who have gone crazy and shot unsuspecting people, spouses, etc.  Do we make it where they come to ...