The Dark Night of the Soul
I have always heard the term "The Dark Night of the Soul" but, never really truly understood it's meaning until I began working with and studying Kabbalah. This is such a personal and introspective study, that it has made me realize many things including the path of "The Dark Night of the Soul". I have realized that I have gone through these periods more times than I would have thought possible in my life. But, through each of these points, I have moved that much higher in my ascension to attain connection with God. Each of these experiences has brought me closer to the understanding of who I am and where I am going. I have always said that every experience I have gone through has brought me to the exact place I am in at this moment. And, I am happy with me and my connection with God. I have just realized so much more. The moments that have been the most painful are the ones that have brought me closer to actualization and realization. I've had ...