The Dark Night of the Soul

I have always heard the term "The Dark Night of the Soul" but, never really truly understood it's meaning until I began working with and studying Kabbalah.  This is such a personal and introspective study, that it has made me realize many things including the path of "The Dark Night of the Soul".

I have realized that I have gone through these periods more times than I would have thought possible in my life.  But, through each of these points, I have moved that much higher in my ascension to attain connection with God.  Each of these experiences has brought me closer to the understanding of who I am and where I am going.

I have always said that every experience I have gone through has brought me to the exact place I am in at this moment.  And, I am happy with me and my connection with God.  I have just realized so much more.

The moments that have been the most painful are the ones that have brought me closer to actualization and realization.

I've had it pointed out to me recently that I have always been *searching* and this is true.  My entire life has been searching for Truth.  I have found bits and pieces of it through my spiritual growth, from growing up in a fundamental Christian family and experiences which were so beautiful.  These placed a few pieces of the puzzle into place.  But, there was so much missing and I knew that it needed somehow to be complete.  So, I continued my search.

In my relationship with God, I have found a beautiful place that leaves little to *search* for as I know I am exactly where I need to be.  As to learning, growing and expanding in this awareness ... I know this is a lifelong quest but, I am where I need to be and am fulfilled in so many ways.

I have a husband who I say we are "twinkies" as we are so alike in so many ways... ways of the soul.  I have amazing and supportive people around me who are "family" in a sense.  I have found "home" and my soul and heart sing with the Truth of where I am.

In this, there are many who don't understand me ... but, those have really never understood me.  My prayer is that they will just accept me the way I am and know I love them.  I have always had the need to be understood and even if this isn't possible by all in my world... I am in hopes that at least they will meet me at the proverbial fence and just agree to disagree ... and, to simply love one another as Jesus taught us to do.



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