
I am feeling discord all around me in all aspects of life and am stepping away from discord.  I will not stop making a stand regarding my beliefs and my feelings on aspects but, discord.... I am just tired.

The collective discord and division - upcoming election.  No one can win on their own merits but, will win because of who bashed who the most.  Ridiculous! 

The collective discord and division - Aurora shooting.  It's not only about a horrible thing that happened to so many people but, that this thing that happened to so many people has raised an issue that is heavy with discord.  Gun Laws.  I have good and bad experiences with guns and still feel that to ban guns all together is not the answer.  And, when we talk of banning or restricting guns ... we have to ask ourselves ... how far do we take this.  There have been police officers who have gone crazy and shot unsuspecting people, spouses, etc.  Do we make it where they come to work and "check out" their guns and then "check them back in" when they leave?  Again, how far does this go?  And, what will really work? if anything?

The collective discord and division - Chick Fil A.  Who would have thought a fast food restaurant could create so much discord and division among people?  Whether one agrees with a person's lifestyle or not is their personal choice to believe in just as it's the right of someone to choose their life as to what is true to their heart.

Personal discord and division - my relationship with my daughter.  My daughter, whom has been the mother in many lives, is having a hard time being the daughter in this life.  She has decided she is so right in her religions/spiritual beliefs that there is no way I can be right.  I finally had to tell her I was done with our discussions which seemed to always happen via Facebook.  Since that happened approximately 2 weeks ago, she has decided to "punish" me and not talk to me.  So, I have decided to just wait her out and see when she will make the first step to contact me.  I wonder how long this will take and where all of this is going?

I love my life.  I love my spirituality which I feel is growing by leaps and bounds.
Life is good.


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