
In the moment of living within a place of ... LOVE ... and standing away from ... DISCORD ... I find myself faced with bringing Truth forth.

I am realizing how much untruth is all around us from what we have learned in school to what we have learned in "church".  Information has been altered to fit whatever the social condition of the time is.

Our history regarding the founding fathers of our country is basically false.  These men were incredible people who stood up and put their lives and the lives of their families in jeapardy to create a world separate of tyranny from the king and from the church.  They were looking to create a world through a flexible government that could pass the test of time ... one that could grow.  Their lives and what they were looking to create has been so altered that very few (unless they look on their own) know and understand the truth of these men and the truth of what they worked so hard to achieve ... a country that offered a place for all devoid of persecution of any kind.

Our history regarding Christianity is so altered and even twisted.  Jesus came with a message of Love and Healing.  In the tune of "what would Jesus do?"  I feel if he were here on our Earth he would be incredibly sad to see how bloody and divided his sharing has become through the centuries.  He came as the ultimate sacrifice putting his life in jeapardy as well as the life of his family and those who were close to him to bring about his message of unity for those who would choose to walk in the Light of His Love.

As I find myself in a place where I have been asked through the heartsource of my soul, "Am I willing to submit my will to that of the Creator God?", I find that my answer is "yes".  In this answer I do realize I am putting many things on the line and I am willing to walk within the Light of Yeshua's Love as well as that of God and the essence of the Holy Spirit, that which is Divine within us all.

I am ready for change and in this readiness I understand that I have to let go of certain aspects to allow room for new growth and evolution.  Now is the time.


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