Mary Magdalene's Feast Day - July 22nd


July 22nd is Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day in the Catholic Tradition.  Interesting that the Catholics have a day to honor My Lady after calling her a prostitute and whore for decades.  In the 60s, the Catholic Church did recant this as they found no biblical reference that validated such a claim.

On, this … Her Day … as we Celebrate Today! It is to honor the woman she was and is … and at the same time to honor the man, her Beloved Jeshua, who honored her and who she returned her feelings in total respect for him.  In this day of celebrating Her and the women around us … we Celebrate our Men who hold us strong and stand firm for us in support, love and in honor of us … we Respect these men!

My Lady, Mary the Rose of Magdala … stands firm with her beloved Jeshua in balance.  This is the balance of male female energy … honor and respect walking hand in hand.  My Lady was prophesied about in the old testament just as her Beloved Jeshua was.

From Margaret Starbird’s Blog:
Among the sacred texts of the Hebrew Bible, deep in the book of the prophet Micah is an obscure passage addressing the bereaved “Bride” representing the people of Jerusalem. She is called “Daughter of Sion,” and referred to symbolically as the Magdal-eder—the “Watchtower” or “Stronghold” of the Flock—and she is seen mourning the death of her “counselor” (rabbi? Or Lord?) and King:
“As for you, O Magdal-eder,
Watchtower of the Flock,
Stronghold of the Daughter of Sion,
unto you shall the former dominion be restored,
the kingdom of daughter Jerusalem.
Now why are you crying?
Have you no king? Has your counselor perished,
that you are seized with pains like a woman in labor? . . .
For now shall you go forth from the city
And dwell in the open fields.
To Babylon shall you go,
and from there you shall be rescued . . .
Now also many nations are gathered against you, that say,
‘Let her be declared unclean...’”
Micah 4:8-11.

I have followed My Lady through the eons of time.  She with me and I with her.  Her teachings and that of Jeshua are to follow the Mysteries.

The terms … Mystery Schools… Mystery Teachers… the Mysteries have come up many times in the past few years.  What are these things and where do we find them?

I have found the perfect example of a Mystery School is Hogwart’s Academy in the Harry Potter books/movies.  This was a place to learn the “mysteries” or those things the “muggles” or people who are unawakened to understand and comprehend.  Because of this lack of understanding and comprehension, they simply did not see what was going on around them unless something actually and literally “blows up” in their space.  Mystery Teachers … all the teachers at Hogwarts.

In our life … and not in books … where do we find the same type of thing?  A place of learning the Mysteries? Teachers to offer us tools to access the Mysteries?  … a deep understanding of what the mysteries are?

Close your eyes/take a deep breath … Feel the energy of this place you sit in. 
Where are you?  Do you learn in this place?  Do you come to a greater place of understanding that which is hidden from the “muggle” world in this place?
Do you accept that in this place … you are within the realms of a Mystery School?

Open your eyes and please stand.  Look at yourself/feel yourself.  Look at those around you/feel those around you.  Do you stand as a teacher of Mysteries and/or do you stand surrounded by those who understand and teach the Mysteries?
Acknowledge these people and yourself.
Honor these people and yourself.
Respect these people and yourself.

If you don't find yourself within the teachings of The Mysteries, seek them out for they are all around you.

My teachers, My Lady Mary and Jeshua … offer this to you. 
Walk in integrity.
Walk in Faith that all is Divine.
Walk in Celebration and in Ritual.
Walk in that which is ancient and rings with Truth.
The Greatest of All is to Walk within Love and Healing.
These are the Keys to where all Mysteries lie.


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