So many thoughts...

I always have so many thoughts going on in my head that it is sometimes hard to narrow down how to write and create specific topics.

I think about my family and how I need to find ways to be closer and at the same time maintain my own personal presence that is imperative for me to be who I am.  What a quandry that becomes at times. :)

I think about the kids that are walking among us and how "we" as the collective metaphysical community has some how let these amazing beings down.  We haven't developed programs in which they can find a way to survival.  There are many dropping out of school!  Where does that lead to in a world that requires schooling...  Where have those who will take apprentices gone?

I think about our country and how wonderful it is in so many ways ... and how warped it is in so many other ways.  I suppose this is simply the flip side to all things.  Every rose does have it's thorns.  I guess we just have to understand we have to wear gloves to enjoy many aspects of what is offered.

I think of Spirituality and Religion and how this has become so convoluted.  Spirituality really has very little to do with the aspects of religion.  When did it happen that religion immersed itself so heavily within individual spirituality and individual relationships with God?  When did it happen that "religion" determines if one has a relationship with God? hmmmm

In so many ways we as a people are so evolved and in other ways we are so behind in our ways of living and thinking.  There are many that have no clue what is going on and honestly don't care.  The dynamics of what the "news" allows us to see and "know" is a travesty as it is actually covering up the "big picture" of how we are all being lied to in so many ways.

I look forward to a day when we will "go back" and honor what is precious... our home, the Earth... our families, by living closer and being truly supportive of one another... of respect for our elders and making sure they know we honor their wisdom.  There was a time where the young mothers and fathers left their children throughout the day in the care of the "grandparents".  It was the grandparents who instilled the meanings of life to the children.  The parents provided knowing their turn would come to be the sharers of wisdom.

Our Earth... the trees, rivers, forests, and so on... have their wisdom to offer as well.  We have forgotten these things.  All of this is God and is provided to us by God and we have chosen not to listen and not to hear.  We have become killers of that which is most precious ... the bounty of our planet.

I wonder what those who come after us will think of what we did to our homes.  I am sure they will be appalled that we didn't realize what we had and didn't treat it with respect.

It's time to take a step back... to stop and smell the roses and to love bees and not be afraid of them and everything else.  It's time to enjoy and relish our lives and find beauty in all around us.

Walk in a Beauty Way ... (as the Navajo teach) ... See Beauty is all things.


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