The Lie of Lack

This lie (the lie of lack) is the foundation of our culture.  This state of believing is part of many of our teachings and of history.  For some reason this has been integrated/coded into our very existence and belief system.
This begins with the earliest accountings that are available.
Atlantis/Lemuria – Too much information… Too much knowledge… Too much wealth of information
Outcome: Atlantis disappeared.
Greek/Rome Civilization – Too much opulence… Too much advancement… Too much knowledge
Outcome: Greece/Rome Fell.
These stories go on and on….
The stories of our masters and what it took for them to become “enlightened”:
Buddha and Mohammed left … they left their families, their lives, etc to find what was important.
Outcome: Lived and accepted that “lack” was the way.
Jeshua … the teachings are that this master and his family were “poor”.  As far as I can tell there is no reference to this.  And, if one reads between the lines … would see the opposite.  There were masses that traveled with this man and those masses had to be housed and fed.  Yes, there were supporters but, Jeshua and his family … were not “poor”.  To come from a “carpenter” family doesn’t mean they had nothing.  To be a carpenter was to be a craftperson which was very necessary in the time and wealth was made from being good at work well done.
The teachings of Jeshua were to aid the poor and how can one do this with no money?
The word “poverty” didn’t arrive until the 12th century.
The origin of the word “sin” is to “miss the mark”.  It is an archery term.  Incorporated into a spiritual sense… to live in sin is to “miss the mark”.
Are we missing the mark in our thinking that it is virtuous to live in a state of lack?
Are we missing the mark to accept the belief that less is more?
I personally don’t accept this.
I choose to live within the essence, the energy and the belief system of Total Prosperity.  I choose to incorporate this into all aspects of my life to maintain balance and to stay true to my purpose as a “Light Bearer”.  I am one who shines light in dark places.
There are aspects to the energy of Total Prosperity if it needs to be broken down.  To live within Total Prosperity is to be prosperous in all areas.
Spiritual Prosperity
Emotional Prosperity
Creative Prosperity
Physical Prosperity
Financial Prosperity
For some reason, our society has created Financial Prosperity is a “dark place” … a place of “secrets”.
We share all aspects of prosperity with others (abundance and/or lack thereof) in all areas except the area of finances.  Finances are “secret”.  If we are financially wealthy we aren’t to share… we are to be quiet with it.  If we are financially unhealthy again it’s a “secret” we don’t share exactly the desperation of where we are as we feel we will be seen as less of a person/individual to be in this place.

Why? I believe this is a HUGE area where we as a society have “missed the mark”.

Yes, I believe God provides all of my needs.  I also believe that to not believe this same God provides my wants and desires.  I feel to believe otherwise is to limit the “power” of an infinite being and an infinite energy.
I choose to NOT living within the energy of the “lie of lack” and to move forward in abundance in all areas of my life.  I choose to work towards maintaining balance so all doesn’t become one-sided.  I choose to allow the infinite energy of an infinite God to create within me and my life a Totally Prosperous place.
I thank you God with a Humble Heart for the Total Prosperity in my life.


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