
28 August 2013

We are a collective of energies.  We are known to you though as The Christ/The Anointed One, The Magdalene/The Watchtower of the Flock/The Preparer and 24 others who travel through time and dimensions together.

We came together in the bodies of physical entities in the time you refer to as The Time of Christ.  The Christ and The Magdalene are forever in the forefront as the teachers/the ones to impart wisdom.  We, of the 24, are their chosen initiates who share in their wisdom and their knowledge.  What they know we know/What we know they know.  Again, we are a collective.

It has come to our attention that we need to clarify.  When we were here on the planet of Earth, we had a mission and that mission for some reason has been distorted.  It is something similar to a break or crack in a mirror.  What is seen within the cracks is an image but, one that is flawed and not whole.  The image we can to create, one to emulate, has become so distorted that in many ways it is not even recognizable to us or to others.

We stand in constant review of this.  We stand looking closely at how we portrayed ourselves when in the physical.  We stand in constant review of how our Truth was conveyed.  We do this to try to understand how and what our part was in the distortion of our message.  We want you to understand that we, even in the spiritual standing we are in, have to review and correct from time to time.

We ask that you use this as your example in examining your personal Truths.
Do you always speak with truth and integrity? (this is what to strive for)
Do you act always within the confines of truth and integrity? (this is what to strive for)
Do you live always within the confines of truth and integrity? (this is what to strive for)

In becoming one with that which you are, the I AM or The One that you are with the Creator … this is the aspiration, the desire … to always be One with Truth.

At times it is difficult to *see* if you are speaking, acting, living always within truth and integrity.  Look around you at your surroundings, your friends, your family, those close to you and *see* them for in this you will see the reflection of you.  Ask yourself:
Do my surroundings, friends, family, those close to me live always within the confines of truth and integrity? Do they understand the meaning of this and this is what to strive for?  If not, this is a place for correction.  Your surroundings and people around you will always be a reflection of you.

We and the other energies around are here for your success.  For when you succeed, we all succeed as we are all One and all part of the All that Is … The Creator of us All. 


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