Magdalene Mystery School

What is a Mystery School?

A Mystery School is a place or state of being where the mysteries are shared from the master (teacher) to the initiate (one who wishes transformation in his/her life).  A Mystery School offers wisdom knowledge that brings forth enlightenment of self and the actualization of being.

There are many different backgrounds and paths that adhere themselves to the teachings of the “mysteries”.  The initiate may find this methodology through the principles of Shamanism, Druidism, Egyptian tradition, and so on…  Within the Jewish faith, there were those who wished expansion and in this embraced an esoteric form of thought and perspective that became known as Kabbalah (Qabalah, Cabala).

What are the Mysteries?

The mysteries are the traditions and dedications that are shared from the master (teacher) to the initiate (one who seeks).  These are broken down into various aspects that fall into the training of one type of teaching. 

The Mysteries are a path of dedication of first, the master (teacher) as well as that of the initiate (student).  The pursuit of enlightenment is brought forth through perseverance, accountability and responsibility.

The master (teacher) opens their teachings to those who wish a life of personal development.  The teachings are not for those who just want a “sampling” or those who are not willing to do the work necessary to move forward.  The teachings are for those who wish a life long understanding of purpose.

What will the Magdalene Mystery School offer?

Tami Harms as Channel and Priestess of Mary, The Magdalene (and of Jeshua, The Christ), will bring forth the information offered to her from these masters that are also her teachers.  Tami considers Mary her friend, confident and High Priestess.  She has memories of walking with Mary and Jeshua in their time on  the earth and of the teachings that were offered at that time.  She also has memory of being one with this energy source prior to this time of joining on the planet as well as in the future of time as we know it now.

Tami’s physical life (this time around) in this dimension has been one that has brought this into full awareness.  Mary and Jeshua both are intrigued by the teachings of Kabbalah Tami offers and are active participants in all that is shared.  They have submitted their energy to Tami in a way of supplementation of their enhanced knowledge.

The foundation of the teachings will be through the expanding energy of Kabbalah and how the visual of the Tree of Life is the teaching of the Mysteries.

Tami will be offering a certain course of knowledge that will include (but not limited to) these topics of interest:
Introductory Annual Year Reading (required)
Introductory Chart of Origin (required) - Archetypes
Magdalene Tarot Workshop (required) – History, political, religious, etc climates of the times (focusing on the story of The Magdalene)

Course I          Introductory Healing of The Magdalene and The Christ
Course II         Sacred Geometry and The Christ Consciousness
Course III        Kabbalah I Series - The Return to Oneness with God
Course IV        Introductory Tarot Workshop – the discourse of divination for self-development as well as for others
Course V         Alchemical Transformational Workshop
Course VI        Ritual Priest/Priestess Training
Course VII       Kabbalah II Series - The Continuation of Oneness (Kabbalah I prerequisite)
Course VIII      Advanced Tarot Workshop (Introductory Tarot Workshop prerequisite)
Course IX        Advanced Healing of The Magdalene and The Christ (Introductory Healing prerequisite)

Details will be forthcoming in the near future.  The class size (locally) will be limited to 10 students.
I will be offering these classes virtually as well for those not in the Denver area.

Dates, Prices, and additional information will be made available at the Magdalene Mystery School Holiday Party on December 21st.


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