What and How I Believe

I have people, mainly those of my biological family, that ask what and how I believe.  I am not sure if they really want to know but … they ask from time to time.

I am a Gnostic.
Gnosticism - (from Ancient Greek:
γνωστικός gnostikos, "learned", from γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) describes a collection of ancient religions whose adherents shunned the material world created by the demiurge and embraced the spiritual world.[1] Gnostic ideas influenced many ancient religions[2] that teach that gnosis (variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or 'oneness with God') may be reached by practicing philanthropy to the point of personal poverty, sexual abstinence (as far as possible for hearers, completely for initiates) and diligently searching for wisdom by helping others.[3] However, practices varied among those who were Gnostic.

I am one who seeks knowledge from a variety of ancient texts to validate aspects of the bible as well as other ancient writings that correspond with biblical accountings.  

This does not mean I do not love God.  This does not mean I do not love Jesus.
What this does mean is that I search for truth in, perhaps, unconventional places and through unconventional means.

My love, respect and connection with God is nothing but enhanced through this process.
My love, respect and connection with Jesus has become more relevant and needful in every aspect of my life.

I am a Kabbalist.  I am one who searches within the esoteric teachings of Judaism and through the meaning and power of the Hebrew alphabet the coding and connections of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

What this means is my exploration of this beautiful work of inspired wisdom has brought me to a new/deeper depth of awareness and understanding.

I am one who studies and teaches aspects of the Tarot that are outside the realm of Divination.  I have found to only use this beautiful tool for divination is to do it a great disservice.  Historical accountings, political and religious climates of the times since the 1300s onward are made relevant within the history of the cards and their many uses.  They could be one of the purest sources of history available at this time.
There are those who do now wish us to know and understand Truth on our own.  We are to be followers of what others tell us how to believe and how to act within this belief system.  I can not be and/or do this.  I am one with a need to know and understand truth at all levels and will spend my life doing just this.
I do believe in reincarnation.  I have had too many experiences, remembrances and knowings to simply set this aside, put my head in the sand and play like they haven’t happened.  I am awake.  I am sentient. I am alive. I believe.

Because of these beliefs, I am not one who can sit back and immerse myself in conventionality.  And, though I am in this place – I have a keen understanding and acceptance that others are not.  I know that each of us live our lives according to the plan of our soul.  Through the years I have had a difficult enough time understanding my own plan to even try to understand someone else’s.

I honor each person’s belief systems, paths, walks, etc.  I do not expect everyone to join me on mine.  I simply ask for the respect to allow me to walk mine and to leave judgment of me and my choices to The Creator of us All – to God.

I have no doubts that my belief system is correct for me.  I have no doubt regarding my relationship with God.  I have no doubt of my relationship with Jesus.  I do not believe that because of the way I believe I will burn in hell or I will not – one day – come before the Father.  I do not believe there is a hell for within the aspect of reincarnation, I believe it’s the soul’s journey to perfect and correct our soul’s character throughout our many lives.  When the soul reaches a certain point, I believe we will be given the choice to remain in spirit or to continue reincarnating to aid, heal and/or process more learning.

I believe Jesus came here with a very specific message and that message was and is one of Love and Healing … nothing more/nothing less.  For when we stay inside the Law of Love that element supersedes all else.
Romans 13:8-10  Love is the fulfillment of the Law.
I believe it is that simple and that is what I strive for.

I believe we are here to bring and share the light of god with those who seek.
We are here to learn, grow and advance throughout our lives.
I believe when we stay within the Law of Love we pull forth this teaching.
John 14:12  Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

I believe when Jesus left to go to the father, he left us with the knowing we were to learn, grow and advance to one day be and do greater than He. 

I don’t believe this meant to put him on a pedestal.  It simply means to move forward in being all we can be and do.

There are aspects of the Bible that support reincarnation if you know what you are reading and what you are studying.  There is mention of channelings (translates as prophecy), fortune telling, etc.  I believe these are warnings for there are those who (in all aspects of life) are ones who are not living within the Law of Love.  When living within the Law and walking in accord then there is another aspect to this.  The authors of the biblical canon – many of which were “prophets” – were receiving their information from source or from God.  Who is to say there are not those in life at this time with the same ability to “channel” information from God and it be truth just as what was written throughout the hundreds of years of biblical accountings?  I am one who can simply not believe God doesn’t move in this way anymore.  I believe information flows all the time for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

We, where we are now, are Illuminations of the Father.  As we are Illuminated – we are to assist in illuminating others within the Law of Love of the Creator God.

I respect you and your beliefs and I only ask for the same in return.



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