Susanah's Story

I remember being a young girl surrounded by a large family as well as external family of aunts, uncles, cousins and more. Though we were distinctively of the Tribe of Benjamin we had distinctive connections with those of the other 12 tribes – this was through out mothers.

There were certain women within each tribe that held together the stories and the memories of the ancient days as well as the current time. These women, our mothers, met regularly to discuss and to share. Though yes, the men learned Torah and brought this into the home – the women held the tradition of heritage and of lineage.

Though I was the youngest of many (I had 12siblings – only 2 of which were girls! and they were older). All around me were brothers.  Because of this, I was taken with my mother to the gatherings of these women from the other tribes. As I aged a bit, I began to understand a bit of what was going on within the secrets of the information they held. Even at such a very young age of 3-4 years old, I understood the magnitude of what was happening.

The times were a bit chaotic as many things were changing for those who followed the Laws of the Isrealites. Politics and spiritual beliefs were being challenged and questions. There was MUCH discussion among the women of how to move through this and to hold true to our beliefs.

The women began to discuss prophecy and that there was to be one from the Tribe of David that was to lead.  It was evident this was needed now.  They began to discuss who of the young women from the Tribe of David was eligible and held the wisdom of the ancient ones of the women who could mother such a child.

There was one. She was beautiful, devout and held a sort of ancientness about her despite her youth.  The women said there were stars in her eyes.  This one, Mary, was chosen. She was very young but was of marriageable age. She did have an intended so that wasn’t a problem.  The problem was the time involved in getting approval from the local Rabbi, the length of time to plan the wedding and then the time it takes to get pregnant, to carry the child and to give birth. It could take a year or more and this wasn’t optimum.

This one prophesied about needing to make his appearance in the world as soon as possible.  The women knew of ways around the approval and wedding that could enable the couple to live and be as husband and wife within the Law.  They discussed with their husbands who brought this before the local Rabbis and all was planned.

The one discussed, Mary and her intended Joseph would take up house – living as husband and wife – to marry in the appropriate time.  Prayers and blessings were offered to the young couple as they entered into the sharing of lives within a home. Mary almost immediately became pregnant.

The story follows much as it is written though there are some discrepancies.
Yes, she was a virgin (meaning young) and yes, she and Joseph went to Bethlehem to be counted for the census.
Was she ostracized for not being wed? No, because their lives were within the Law.
Did she give birth in Bethlehem in a stable? Yes, but this wasn’t unusual. If there was no room in any town, stables and such places were offered as refuge.
Was there a celestial event with the stars? Yes, this began before the trip to Bethlehem and intensified into sight as they traveled and peaked as the baby was born.
Was this perceived as an omen? Yes, it gave countenance to and for the women and their choice.

There was talk of the celestial event and of the child being born and that he had been prophesized about regarding bringing about change.  Because of both factors, it was brought to the attention of learned men/scholars/wise men that something was happening that had the potential to change the world as we knew it at the time. And, yes… they came and brought gifts as was customary.

As soon as the child was born, the women congregated and discussed further.  This one would need to live his life within the structure of Torah. Because of this, the husbands were again discussed with and plans were made. This one, though a child, would need a wife. It was decided this chosen one would come from the strong Tribe of Benjamin (My tribe!). It was very exciting that my tribe was chosen in such a way.

All of the young girls – aged 5 and younger – from the Tribe of Benjamin were discussed. (I was one of them!)

Mary, the Mother of the baby, stepped forward and said it would be her choice.
She spent much time with each of us – sharing, talking, laughing….  We all fell a bit in love with her.
As this went on, there was discussion among the women about Mary and how she was quite unusual. The stars in her eyes were brighter it was said. She held the knowledge of the ages – the wisdom of the sages – and, even though she was so very young, she began to be one that was highly respected even among the aged ones within the circle of women.

The decision was made, my cousin Miriam was chosen. She was beautiful and a bit younger than me. She was VERY spoiled as she was the only daughter of a large family. Her father doted on her. She was referred to as Princess.

Mary made a decision that we would all continue spending time with her. She also included daughters from the other Tribes as well. She would train us in what we would need to know to be part of her son’s life – as she knew we would all be of great importance as his circle grew. As we were educated by her we all became “Mary’s” though we didn’t all take the name. Many took part of the name or a derivative of the name.  I kept my name – Susanah Tamar. My cousin Miriam began being called Mary following in the mother’s footsteps. *I will continue to call her Miriam to lessen confusion but also this was how I knew her.

The young son was named Yeshua ben Joseph. As he grew he made a great impression on those who were quite learned.  He was a sponge. Anything presented to him was absorbed. He exceeded his mother and his father regarding what they could share with him and teach him. He was teaching the teachers! before the age of 12.

We were all brought up together, as all close families are. We were all brothers and sisters in a sense. Yeshua used to tell us we were all sisters and brothers and as God was our heavenly father – we were all closely related family.  He expanded this, explaining this included not only those who were of the Jewish faith but all on the planet.  

The time came where it was decided by the leaders with the approval of Mary and Joseph that Yeshua needed to travel to glean more information. If he was to change the world, he had to have knowledge of the world and not just our small piece.

That is what they did… they traveled and Yeshua learned.

When they returned, Yeshua began to create a group of those that were trusted.  He gathered men around him, 12 men. He instructed Miriam she needed to do the same, though with 12 women. She looked to us and gathered us close and chose her 12, of which I was one. It was indeed an honor. I had no idea where this path would lead me or the rest of us.

We were taught by Yeshua and by Miriam and we expanded in knowledge, thought and openness. We were offered key directives. We were to be inclusive of all, we were to offer love and healing to all and we were to be selfless in all things. It was a beautiful teaching.

There was a point where Yeshua came to Miriam and told her he needed to perfect her so that she could walk with him and be the wife he needed. He aligned her perfectly. At the same time, he did this for her 12 as he had done with his 12.  We loved him beyond reason.  He showed us our importance. He honored us for who we were as women and we so respected him because of this. He allowed us to LEARN and to be more!

I had a knack for working with those who had been deeply wounded from life’s battles. Those I tended walked away – changed. Yeshua took note of this and one day, drew me aside.  He shared with me a plan. He had taught all of us – his 12 and Miriam’s 12 God’s Healing Touch. He told me it was the women who had the real aptitude for this healing and he wanted to develop something unique – a teaching that could be shared with the women that would then be passed on within the generations – to women and to men if there was a desire.

He and I developed the Teaching that was shared from the Mary’s – those who followed the teachings of the Mother and now those who followed the teachings of the advance Miriam whom we were now calling Mary as well.  She was being referred to though as The Magdalene. As Yeshua was the shepherd pulling women and men in close within unity and harmony – Mary was the WatchTower, the one who watched over the flock. Thus, she became The Magdalene, her title.  As The Magdalene and as the one trained to walk by Yeshua’s side, she was the one to bring forth pieces of the prophecy – that he was to be anointed. She had the training and was ‘ordained’ through the teachings and instruction of the Mother. She is the one that alchemically altered Yeshua from a mortal man through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. She transformed into the Holy Spirit and as she anointed Yeshua – she became one with him – he emerged as Christed. He was no longer merely human and his gifts had amplified exponentially. 

In this process, she too was altered. The Teaching Yeshua and I had created was transformed by The Magdalene and became known as the Healing of The Magdalene. She transformed me by sharing with me her knowledge (that too was his knowledge as the two were linked and were one).  I had all the knowledge regarding this healing and the teaching of this healing they had.

During this time, Miriam and Yeshua traveled to Qumran where they interacted with the group known as the Essenes. This group was very private and that Miriam and Yeshua were invited in was quite a statement. The sharings and interactions led to an agreement. They would impart needed information to Miriam and Yeshua and I would go and live with them and share the Teachings of the Healings of The Magdalene with them.  I was to stay a number of years to teach and share with generations.  I was to be the Master and they my students. This was very intimidating for me but I was readily accepted.

News came to us in Qumran that situations were rapidly shifting and that Yeshua, Mary, Miriam and the others were in jeopardy.  It was decided that I would be allowed to leave Qumran to go to Miriam and Yeshua. As I arrived, Yeshua and Miriam were sharing what was unfolding and how it would play out. They always knew. Most of us didn’t believe it. There was no way our gentle teacher could be treated this way. 

The days that came to pass were the saddest of my life.  I can’t even speak of this at this time. It is too overwhelming.  The women gathered and held prayers of silence. 

After our teacher left us, it was necessary that we scatter as we were unsafe. Many didn’t make it to safety.  It was an act of God that Miriam and the others got away.  I … I went back to Qumran where I lived out my days. I wrote volumes of my experiences and of my life. 

I remember becoming old with children around me. They were not my children as I never had any. My life was dedicated to ‘service’. I had always been taken cared of because of this. I never had a need as all was provided. The children were those I had taught and was still teaching.  I taught until I left this earth.

As these memories unfold in this life - my teachers Yeshua and Miriam still refer to me as Susanah.
I remember fully the healings we did and how we did this. I remember the teachings of the Healing of the Magdalene and am working to bring this forth with Yeshua's assistance as in the past.

All is unfolding as it did then so that this may be brought into the Light within the world of Remembrances of all we were - all we are - and all we will become.


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