Today is an Auspicious Day!

I woke up this morning hearing, “today is an auspicious day”. It is a great day of something quite profound.  

I was then prompted to look at the date: 5-6 (11)   2018 (11)
Today is: 11/11 and yes, this is profound and a tad auspicious!

Today’s Message

You are being altered through the frequency that is considered a “quickening” of your soul’s imprint. That which you are, is not what is *seen*. It is time you move past viewing yourselves as physical (corporeal). This is seeing yourself “less than”.

Your viewpoint from your past has been from the aspect that you are physical and this is where the work, healing, etc is done and found. This is the ‘lie’ for you are not this being. The work, healing, etc must come from the souls origin – the essential matter of your being. You must begin to see yourself as “more than”.

In this age you are now moving fully within, please know this is not an age that is Earthly but, rather an age of the matrix of non-reality within reality. It is that yes there is the code that is around you but it is a deeper concept for essentially the code is you and you are the code. There is no separation – only unity of conscious being. 

This has laid within your subconscious for too long. It is now time for this to move to the surface and because of this – it is occurring. For many of you, this is wreaking havoc on your physical aspect. This is because you have not accepted fully the fact that you are not physical and you are still dealing with existence from a physical plane of perception. 

You are asked to exam your state from the superiority of the super consciousness of the over soul. From the physical – you can only do this through meditational state. If you are not allowing yourself this time within the binary space of quantum shifting – you will continue to suffer.

Now is the time for suffering to cease and the avenue is available to and for you. It is you that must shift into this enlightened phase and allow yourself to shine from your source and force.

Once this transfer has been brought into existence by you, the Joy of being will descend upon you as you implode and explode within your Divinity.

~Mary, The Magdalene

Susanah Magdalena, Channel and High Priestess of Mary, The Magdalene, Magdalene Healing Master, Cheaylia (KeyHolder) of the Lost Memories of Lemuria


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