The Love Intention

Prior to the end of 2018, huge shifts happened for me.  I knew that as 2019 opened that I would have to make some changes regarding my commitment. I took marketing class with Nikki Milton of Marvel Marketing Squad and realized there was ‘holes’ in what I was working to accomplish. Most of these had to do with commitment, continuity and mainly having to do with consistency.

With that being said, I have laid out a plan of action!  I will be working more heavily with Social Media to get the word out about who I am, what I offer and how this makes an impact.  I will be working with Facebook (as I have in the past) and more intently with Instagram to reach the younger and artistic community.  I also have a goal in February to figure out YouTube! I will be offering my videos through a YouTube community and will be sharing from that platform!

I’m really excited about this as I have really needed to focus on my intent but, previously I wasn’t even sure what that was. This year is different. I have started the year with intentions and I am looking forward to see how this manifests into our Kingdom of Earth.

I also do something else and I do this each year. I offer a couple of classes with this approach but, I always do it for myself each year and this is a big part of my intentional focus for 2019.

In this, a card from the Major Arcana of the Tarot is chosen for each month. Each month has an energy vibration that associates with the card pulled. This has the potential to offer insight regarding the unfolding of the new year that is in effect. After pulling the 12 cards, a 13thcard is pulled that represents the year’s Self-Mastery component which can be quite powerful.

For January – I pulled The Sun Card. The energy of January is that of Rebirth and what better card to pull than The Sun?!  The Sun card is all about the rejuvenation of Rebirth and bringing situations forward with an outward expression of Fun, Joy, Laughter and so much more.

For February – I pulled The Magician (also my self-mastery card). The energy of February is Self-Love and this will be my focus throughout the month of February. The advent of Self-Love in this regard is how I nurture myself regarding my personal success(es) and with the powerful vibrational component of The Magician, I am reminded that I am all I need and through this focused intent I can be to myself – everything and as I reach out to others this is magnified.

So! February is the month I am putting much into effect!  Watch for all the happenings!

What has happened so far?
² I have started the Healing Path of The Rose Teachings and am finding them phenomenal. I am also seeing a change in each person taking this Journey with me. I can see, feel and hear from them regarding transformations. It is indeed the energy of Beauty.
² I have begun my year with collaborations (which I love)!
Jeremy Lis with Sacred Geometry and something new forming with Jason Antalek (Akashaman)
² I have been considering One-on-One Teachings and am working to bring this forward.
One-on-One Teachings are offered in Kabbalah | Tarot | Healing Path of The Rose Teachings.
² I am now implementing consistency. 

What do I hope to achieve?
Of course… success for myself. But, what does this mean? Success for myself only occurs when I bring information through Teachings, Messages and Healings assisting each person who comes into my world the same thing … success and with this, empowerment!
Through this time of evaluation regarding how to become more impactful, I have had to answer the question of how what I offer serves YOU. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

²Ascension Sessions with me offer to you Divine Insight and Guidance to self, purpose, divinity, empowerment and so much more.
²Rose Messages & Healing Sessions offer you in-depth unfolding of the inner core of your being. As this is exposed to the light of day, healing happens and transformational process occurs.
²Readings offers insight of daily life and all of its nuances.
²Classes, Workshops and various Teachings are always offered in a way to bring you to a different point of perspective in the workings with various aspects of yourself, the world we are part of and the world beyond.

²Mentoring Packages – Spiritual and Business – are designed for your individual success.
²Empowerment Packages are designed for those who are dedicated to personal ascension.
·     Empowerment Package I is a 3-month commitment created with gentleness.
·     Empowerment Package II is a 3-month commitment created with intensity.
·     Rose Healing Intensive is a VII week program designed to bring forth primordial essence.
If you are interested and committed to transitioning into your innate BE-ing
this is the place of the I AM present open and available to you.
I am committed to your success and am here to meet you wherever you are.
Contact me for a complimentary consultation to discuss what works best for you!

My Love Intention is that through my personal work and adherence to focus that I bring this to you - that it will radiate out to our hurting world in the manner of 'tikkun olam' - Repair of the World(s).

Please visit my websites to find out more about me. 
Contact me to set up a time and begin your personal transformation.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena


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