Harmonized Union

I've been seeing, hearing, feeling .... so much going on lately regarding surrender & separation. This has brought me to a point of contemplation.

Please know what I am sharing are my personal viewpoints. We are all entitled to personal understandings of happenings around us. I invite you to join me on this journey of contemplation and see where it takes you.

First of all, I'd like to add here a little 'tidbit' about the word religion. It's origins are Latin - relegare - translates as Union. Interesting that I find the word as it has become is a bastardization of its origins. I feel I am here on this planet for many reasons and one of these is to clear up misconceptions by bringing validating truth into the arena.

Someone I know made a comment recently regarding Logic vs Intuition that prompted my writing this blog post.

To me, I have found Logic is represented by the Masculine Essence of Wisdom - Logos.
Intuition, on the other hand, relates to the Feminine Sophia Understanding of Wisdom that is encapsulated and released.

Once these come together, are encapsulated and released - we find ourselves within the aspect of Surrendering our Will to the Will of the Creator God. As we are a cell within the body of 'god', we surrender to ourselves - to the Divinity that we as individuals and collectively are.  When this occurs, we reach a new level within our spiritual ascension and we come closer to the innate being of our soul origin.

As the Surrendering occurs and we find our Divinity - we then take the steps needed to fully embrace this Beauty that each of us are - in separation and in unity. We find a completeness though that we hadn't thought we'd experience when we do embrace Harmonized Union within.

As we find this for ourselves individually - we then find this is how we move out and relate to our world ... collectively. This is 'tikkun olam' - repair of the world(s).

I ask you if you are embracing the concept of 'tikkun olam', that YOU as a cell within the body of the creator god are indeed this. To step fully into this in a wakeful presence ... you Become!

If not, please feel free to contact me as I am available to assist you within this process.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena, Proprietress of The Beloved Heart Source, LLC


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