
I was recently asked if I believe in the Stigmata or not. I have been pondering this for a couple of days in wondering how to answer this question.

First of all, I realized it didn't matter if I believe in Stigmata or not.
It is more, "What's the point?" (of Stigmata)

Yeshua and I began a discussion.

Me: "Yeshua, what is all of this connection with Stigmata?"
Yeshua: "I am not sure. This interaction was never my intention. My message, I felt at the time, was quite clear and this was a ease from and away from suffering. To identify with me through suffering is not the Path of TheWay.

My message was 1st of Forgiveness and through this deep Love is felt and understood from a spiritual place deep within. Through these 2 experiences, that of Forgiveness and Love, Merciful Compassion issues from inner depths of awarenesses. This is transformational.

My mission here on this planet was to bring humanity past suffering. To see those continue to identify with my suffering and not with the Forgiveness, Love and Merciful Compassion is a Joyless place."

Me: "Why do you feel there are so many who do identify with you only through suffering?"
Yeshua: "It is all they know."

Once we receive and respond to a certain place or state of enlightenment, we no longer have the need to identify through suffering but rather through the higher vibration of Joy. Suffering is a very low vibration that keeps us trapped in bondage to an outdated past and to a place that does not allow for growth, movement and ascension.

Think of Sigmata... these people who experience this, identify with the wounds of an old story.
What wounds are you identifying with that keep you in bondage to an outdated past?
Are you ready to move past, healing and transforming out of the old story and into the story of your life as it is now?

If so, that is what I am here for. Through my Rose Intensive Sessions... this is exactly what we do - move past the wounds!

If you are ready and willing to put in the energy, time and dedication it takes, this has the potential to move you forward and into the Story of You at this time!

Read more about my Rose Intensive Healing work here:

Please contact me if you have questions or feel you need clarification!

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena


  1. I got a little "blip" of this when I was doing the Stations of the Cross. Halfway through, I heard something like "no need to experience the pain". That was an eye-opening experience. I had thought that was a good way to feel closer to Him. But, once you step out of religion and look at it, it makes perfect sense that is not the case.


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