I Empower DivinityI

I Empower Divinity.

There have been so many times throughout the years where we are asked to create I AM statements and this I have done.
I AM (as stated by the Archangel Michael to me in the early 90s) Battle Healer | Healer of Warriors.
I AM (as called by Mary, The Magdalene) Channel & High Priestess.
I AM Cheaylia - KeyHolder of the 'Lost' Memories of Lemuria
I AM one who holds Sacred the Andromeda Gateway and who brings forth the emissary known as Aharona אַהֲרֹנָה (Exalted Light).
I AM the Creator of Healing Path of The Rose.

But, taking this forward into an action statement of what I do that envelopes all of this I AM statements.
I Empower Divinity.

Recently, I attended a couple of workshops held by Catherine Ann Clemett, co-author of Anna, The Voice of the Magdalenes and author of many of her own books. www.catherineannclemett.com

The workshop she held at The Beloved Heart Source entitled 'Walk the Magdalene Path of Uncovering and Sharing Your Own Unique Brilliance' to my contemplation to a whole new level. It took me to a place past statement to action ... to being an active participant in all that I AM.

I have known for my entire life that my main 'gift' is Teaching and Teaching I have done.
Now ... it is time for me to actively become part of the Empowerment of Divinity that I have been empowered with through the various I AM statements.

How do I become actively a Battle Healer | Healer of Warriors?
I do this my working with the warriors in a healing/teaching manner showing the way back to the Light of the Creator 'God' as a Magdalene - as a Seeder of Light.
I AM here to heal, make whole and empower the Divine Feminine within us all who have become warriors in the 'fight' to find our way home. Through this comes the advent of healing the wounded Sacred Masculine. But... the Divine Feminine must find its way back first. This is what opens the portal to the Sacred Masculine.

How do I step fully into my role as Channel & High Priestess of Mary, The Magdalene as a Magdalene?
I become fully engaged in the teachings first brought to me from the one known as Mary, The Mother and handed down to Mary, The Magdalene & Y'shua, The Christ.  In this I step forward fully as the Creator of Healing Path of The Rose which opens and heals the Divine Feminine within.

How do I fully become Cheaylia?
I bring forward the memories and knowings of the 'truth' as it is shown to me regarding Lemuria, Lemurians and the vibrations this Key of Knowledge unlocks within the deepest recesses of the Amygdala (the seat of all memories - past, present and future).

How do I bring forth the Sacredness of the Engagement of Awareness of Pure Cosmic Connection of the Andromeda Gateway and Aharona?
I fully interact with the Andromedans and find our mutual connections. I listen and hear what Aharona is sharing in the correlations between the All that Is.

As creator of Healing Path of The Rose, I fully engage with this that I AM and bring it forward.

Throughout these things and that which is unfolding:
I Empower Divinity!

How can these aspects benefit those who are seeking?
1. Healing Path of The Rose Teaching commences on Friday, December 20th at the time of the Winter Solstice - the Point of the Returning Light.
*Only 6 students are allowed. If interested in participating, please contact me soon to sign up and to place your deposit.
2. Rose Healing & Message Sessions offering impactful information that enlightens and empowers from the deepest reserves of the psyche.
3. Rose Healing Intensives is the place where we dive into the 5 Indentifiable Wounds of the Magdalene/Divine Feminine within. This intensive is comprised of 7 weekly sessions.
4. Divine Feminine Empowerment Workshops

You can find information regarding me Susanah Tamar Magdalena, The Beloved Heart Source and Healing Path of The Rose.

You can find information regarding The Beloved Heart Source Events on Meetup, Facebook & EventBrite.
The Beloved Heart Source is also on Youtube.


  1. Right on sister. Clear. Empowered. True.
    Blessings to you as always on the path of Empowering Divinity.
    You are an amazing ever evolving channel.


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