What is the Language?

What is the Language Spirit is using to speak with us?

Please know that this is a language you know and can associate with ... it just might not be what you perceive as a 'language'. Remember language is a place of communication and how to get the information across in a way that offers understanding and assimilation.

Spirit know you and is not going to speak to you in a way that is not decipherable. It is up to you to 'read' the signs being shown to you to bring forth the vibration of what is being share.

If you are a person who *feels* deeply; Spirit will speak to you through your feelings.
You will need to find out how these feelings are felt to understand the varying nuances of what is being offered in the form of communication.

If you are a person who associates with color; Spirit will speak to you in this manner.
You will need to figure out what the vibration of each color is showing you and how this is can be translated into a message.

This could go on and on...

Here are some examples.
I am clairaudient and *hear* voices in my head. Now... I could just think I am crazy and disregard what is being shared or I could just think these are my thoughts and nothing more.
Or, I could pay attention with the understanding that this is potentially a language Spirit is using to speak with me.
Through the years, because I do hear these voices, I have learned to have a dialogue through the 'Art of Questioning' leading to a Q & A sort of situation. Through the years of honing this dialogue, I have come to the point of receiving very clear communication and through this ... answers.

I also am a Kabbalist and see the world we live in through the visualization of the Tree of Life. Spirit has used this means as a way to communicate with me as well. This is through reaching into the different aspects the tree is represented to share with me what is needed to come through with clarity and insight.

Recently, I had someone come to me for a session. This person had received information that some new cosmic beings were coming through. This person was wanting to know what they called themselves. I received information that these beings were insectoid and I could *hear* clicks and pauses.  After continuing to listen, 'morse code' popped into my awareness.

Do I know Morse Code? No
Did the person I was working with know Morse Code? Yes
I told this person this cosmic group was speaking to him in a language he knew but I did not. I gathered, because of this,  this person was to decipher the answer to the question of who these beings were by himself as it wasn't a language I could make out.

There is a process to understanding the language and to receiving the answers we desire. Sometimes this comes quickly and sometimes it is a process. It all depends on where we are at the time and where are receptivity levels have been made apparent. 

I will be offering Virtual Classes 
beginning on September 25th - meeting the 4th Wednesday of each month. 
These will be offered via Zoom.

The Investment is only $10 per class and can be easily paid through EventBrite.

Once the payment is received, I will send you the Zoom link and info the day before the workshop. If you sign up on the day of, I will send you the link and info.
This will be sent via email.


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