Are you willing to change to be the change?

 I have been negligent in not having the desire to blog for some time now. It's like there is so much on my heart and none of it makes sense.

As we move into Election Day tomorrow 11.3.2020, I find myself bracing ... or maybe more 'preparing' for what I know is unfolding.  We are getting ready, as a collective, to move into one of the ugliest periods of our nation's history. And... who knows how long the ugliness will last?

I've heard and read some profound things over the past few months. One of these is from Cindy McCain (John McCain's widow), "Yes, we are Republicans but we are first and foremost Americans." This is from her interview when she stated she was endorsing Biden.

We are 1st and foremost Americans. (even though right now, it doesn't look much like this)

I have traveled throughout my life across America as well as to a variety of countries and have had amazing experiences. Whenever I came home, I was always glad it was to America. 

For the first time in my life, I am appalled at my country and its people. I am appalled that we have resorted to bullying, name calling, distancing, etc over politics. For the first time in my life, I am embarrassed to be an American and if traveling to other countries would be embarrassed to say where I am from.

I am here encouraging myself, and you, in regards to actions and reactions to ask these questions when feeling a need to respond:                                                                                                                                   1. Do I believe in and know there is a Divine Plan? and, am I willing to relinquish my human-ness to Trust?                                                                                                                                                                  2. Am I responding from the place of Observer? or, am I being emotionally triggered?                                    3. Are my thoughts, words & actions in alignment with my 'talk'? Am I walking my talk?

If my answer is 'no' to any of these 3 questions, I am working on myself to 'walk away' and 'turn the other cheek'.

I am standing in this:                                                                                                                                              I Corinthians - Chapter 13 (The Love Chapter)                                                                                                  If I could speak in every tongue of men, and in that of Messengers, and there should be no love in me, I should be like brass that resounds, or the cymbal that makes noise. And if there should be in me (the gift of) prophecy, and I should understand all the mysteries, and every science; and if there should be in me all faith, so that I could move mountains, and love should not be in me, I should be nothing. And if I should feed out the poverty stricken all I possess; and if I should give my body so that I may boast; and there should be no love in me, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, and is kind; love is not envious; love down not shout loudly; and is not boastful; and does nothing that causes shame; and seeks not her own; is not passionate; and thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in Truth; (it) bears all things, believes all things, hopes for all and endures all.

Love will never cease. But prophesying will end; and tongues will be stopped; and knowledge will disappear. For we know but partially, and we prophesy but partially. But when completeness will come, then that which is partial will disappear.

When I was a child, I talked as a child, and I reasoned as a child, and I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I laid aside the things of childhood. And now we see, as by a mirror, in a dark reflection; but then face to face; now I know partially; bet then will I know, just as I am known. 

For these things are abiding: faith, and hope, and love; but the greatest of these is Love.                            (from the AENT - Aramaic English New Testament)

Shalom Aleichem.


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