What Distracts you from your Divinity?

What Distracts You?


We have been discussing this in the current Healing Path of The Rose class and it has really made me think this week.


I saw a quote from Dolores Cannon that made me stop:
What if the Universe isn’t really testing you? Maybe it’s giving you an opportunity to practice who you say you are.


I’ve been feeling, thinking and saying that from the beginning of the COVID situation and everything else following – this is exactly what I’ve been given – an opportunity.

In Kabbalah, there are 2 places on the tree where I feel there is a question being asked of us, “Are you willing to submit your will to the will of the Creator God?”
a) The 1st time this comes up is a place where we examine the question as to what this even means. It’s not a place to answer the question but… a place to ponder the question.
b) The 2nd time this comes up is a place that demands an answer: “Yes … No or perhaps, I’m not really sure…” Regardless, there is no right or wrong answer … it simply demands an answer as this give each of us individually an opportunity to reflect and see where we are.


I feel this question all around me. I am ready and willing to answer, “YES!”
To me, what my answer means is this: It’s time for me to step into the opportunity to practice who I say I am.
In answering the question: “Who Am I?” The answer unfolds: Susanah Tamar Magdalena
What does this mean. Well, I am shown and know that Susanah comes from my connection with the Tribe of Benjamin. Tamar comes from my connection with the House of David/Tribe of Judah. Magdalena – ahhhh this is a name I chose as I am one who follows the Teachings of Mary, The Magdalene.


What is this opportunity offered? It is the opportunity to Trust in all I have been led through and to throughout my life. It is the opportunity to, once again, truly walk as a Magdalene/a Seeder of Light in complete and total Trust in the Divine Plan. And even more so… my Divinity within the Divine Plan.

My Statement of Empowered Divine Brilliance is: I EMPOWER DIVINITY.

This is 1st and foremost to and for myself and then to and for others.


What is it that distracts me from my Divinity?  For the recent past it is been politics.
Interesting about this is politics is a human creation and though it does impact our world is something that when I channel “they” never talk about and/or bring up. It seems as if it is truly irrelevant. 


So, I have asked why… and the answer is because it is only a blip in Consciousness. It is not only a blip, as it is a lower vibration consciousness that is earth based and bound. 
The Question arises: Is this a vibration I want to distract me from my Divinity? NO!!!


So… I am not going to allow ‘politics’ to distract me from my Divinity.
I will remain on Facebook as it serves a purpose for me. I am, though, going to be hiding all posts that are remotely political and refrain from political posting.


I will be focusing on the pages that I have that do support my Divinity and others’.
The Beloved Heart Source | Healing Path of The Rose | Stepping into Magick | Stepping into Empowerment | Kabbalah Wisdom Sharing Group

I will be on my personal Facebook page very little except to ‘hide’ and ‘delete’ posts that aren’t a high vibration supporting: Unity | Equality | Ethics … and the like …


I will be ‘unfriending’ anyone (Republican or Democrat) who are angry, violent, disruptive, divisional, unethical, using foul language … and the like …


Quoting Cindy McCain, “… We are Americans first.”

And taking this further "... We are humans first."


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