Accountability & Responsibility

I stand in sadness for those who have dealt with the tragedy what happened last week in Aurora, CO. I stand in sadness for those who will deal with this for the rest of their lives. I stand in sadness and in gratitude for those who are having to work through this mess in their service to humanity. I stand in sadness for the person who felt the need to take part in this atrocity by carrying out the act. I stand in sadness for a world that is in a position to go through such as this.

I also stand for our rights in situations such as this as with all situations where there is right (or no right) … and where we are losing our rights. Even though it may not be the “appropriate” time to bring up where we are within our rights … then, I ask “when is the appropriate time?” Are we a nation waiting for the right time and it never comes? We watch and wait and in this passivity loose even more of who we are as a people.

For those of you who truly know me, you know I am not a political person. I am first and foremost a child of God. I am also a soul of the universe, a person of the planet and lastly an American (as this is where I chose to be born). I believe though that in this time we have chosen to be here on this planet and in this have chosen (if enlightened) to make changes. If change comes from tragedy, then so be it. In that way, the tragedy then makes sense as it brings about something positive.

It comes to a place of accountability and responsibility for if we are all One then what happened today is because of each of us, just as it is because of the shooter. If we are One, we are One with this shooter as well.

There is so much more involved in this situation that a horrible event.  This reaches far and wide in its ramifications and will be felt as the ripples continue moving out into our world.  This is a time to take a stand and to speak out truth.  As a people, what are willing to take? How far can we be pushed?  How long can we live feeling unsafe, unbalanced and in a place of worry and concern?  How much does it take for us to reach "rock bottom"? until we make moves to turn this around?  When do we take our lives in our own hands to create a world we want to live in and be apart of?

If I say anything you don't understand or don't agree with ... ask me about it.  Ask me why I take the stand I do.  Please don't just slam me without knowledge of where this comes from.  You don't know my place in this life anymore than I know yours. 



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