For the past year, I have been doing some intense work on my eternal question of, “What in the heck am I on this planet for?  What is my purpose?”

In getting closer to the answer, I have found many things have come up that I never expected and some of this has and is causing physical manifestations as this stuff tries to work up and out.  I believe realization of this is the first step of being able to let it go and not hanging on to it … for whatever odd reason that may be.
Through the revelations that are coming through for me, I am finding a huge synchronicity in what others have come to me for … for years.   

We are all dealing with the same thing.  We all want and NEED to know our purpose.  We need to know what we contracted for in this life.  Without this knowledge, we are unfulfilled and are constantly looking for fulfillment through the world and what it offers as it is so blatantly in our faces. This is the collective and not necessarily what we are searching for.

What is coming out of all of this is truly Transformational, not only for me but, for all of those who are just on the verge of “knowing” and yet so far.  This is for those who are willing to take accountability and responsibility for their Life’s Contract and in its fulfillment.  This is for those who are willing to do that work and to stay true to the Truths throughout the rest of their lives.

What I am finding for myself that I am working on a system to share with others is just that … a system to emotional well-being.  We are figuring out how to be healthy physically.  There are all kinds of books, classes, etc on how to figure out our way spiritually.  But, in regards to emotions … what we find is “you need to figure it out and dig it out” “let go and get over it” and on and on.  If that doesn’t work, there are drugs, etc (which we know are not the answer).  We have absolutely no tools to even know where to begin. We are lost and lost to our purpose … our Sacred Contract.  It’s time for tools to be available to wedge the blinders off so we can take today and Seize the Rest of our Lives and truly LIVE~

This is the Day to "Seize the Day".
Dedicate yourself to moving forward to your Total Potential!

Speak your Truth ~ Walk Your Walk ~ Live Your Dreams
If this speaks to you, contact me and let’s talk.  I am in the process of formulating many techniques that will help you become all you contracted to be.

I am so excited to be sharing this with anyone who is drawn to the idea.  I will be offering some free or for a very reduced rate intros into this workshop that is formulating to give you a “taste” of what can be there for you!  Today is the day!


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