Creating Your Own World

Creating Your Own World
I find it interesting that when someone has a physical ailment of any kind and if this is shared with others, there comes a swarm of information and help.  Everyone seems to have the answer from the best doctor available to the best diet, exercise, etc.  Everyone you know that finds out about your physical ailment comes out of the woodwork with all the answers to “fix what ails you”.

Just as interesting is having a spiritual crisis and when this is shared or made apparent; everyone around wants to console you.  The offers of prayers and help come in waves.  People are everywhere wanting … even needing … to help.  Offers of personal assistance or the assistance of those that are known to have great wisdom is shared.  Book resources are offered as well as countless other ways to find your way to “God” who is the healing answer.

When we are in emotional crisis, however, there is a difference.  People want to help but they have no clue how to help.  As individuals, we are all trying to make it through each day by staying emotionally “together”.  There are few experts we can think of, a few books that might help, but all is rather vague.  So, the advice is as follows:
“Life is hard, you just have to learn how to deal with it…”  
How do we deal with something we can’t even explain?
“Maybe you should find someone to talk to…” 
Therapy often leads to drugs and that isn’t the answer and we know it.
These are the kinds of “answers” that leave you wondering where to go? what to do? how to start?  All we want is a solution to what is going on.

Through the years that I have been working with healing and with essential oils, people have come to me for help.  Many of those had serious emotional situations.  I kept wondering why these people kept winding up on my doorstep as I didn’t have any better answer for them than anyone else.  I actually got to the point where I felt these people with deep rooted emotional patterns just needed to be medicated to make it through the day.  I had no clue how to help them either and I felt helpless in this place.

I didn’t realize a key component until a few months ago.  Most of these people couldn’t figure out why they were so emotionally distressed and why they couldn’t get over it.  Most weren’t in “bad” situations and didn’t have “bad” lives but they were and are emotionally miserable.  Maybe they had difficult situations from their childhood, etc but still couldn’t figure out why some people can deal with these types of things but, they couldn’t seem to find “happiness”.

The key problem is we don’t know what our purpose is.  To have Purpose is to find internal “happiness”.  Happiness to one person is totally different for another.  So we begin soul searching and as we do so many questions arise. 
Why are we on this planet? What are we supposed to be doing?  Is this all there is? 
What is my purpose?
Without an answer and with no direction, we become disoriented, distressed and depressed.  It weighs heavy on our psyche to not to be able to formulate these important answers.

My name is Tami Harms and I am here to offer solutions as a Life Purpose Mentor.  If you are truly ready to do the work to find the answers and to make life changes, then it is time to “Seize the Day”.  It is time to truly live this 1st Day of the Rest of Your Life!

I am here to help you find your purpose and to help you know what to make of it.  I will be offering private sessions as well as classes, workshops and retreats to enable all of us searching for our Sacred Contracts to be able to pull these into our everyday lives and see Alchemical Transformation.

What I will be offering is a Kabbalistic approach to The Creation of Your Own World.  This is a series that is designed to work through 1 year of self introspection.  During this year of commitment to self empowerment and observation of your Sacred Contracts that has the ability to bring you to your True Purpose.  This will be offered as a 2 Part Mystery Path, each lasting 6 months. 

If you are ready for dedication and perseverance, this can and will bring about the Alchemy of Transformation in every aspect of your life.

I will be offering a very reasonably priced Introduction into this Unveiling of the Mystery of Creating Your Own World.  As we go through the veils of enlightenment, all aspects of your life will be brought into clarity.  You will have reason and Purpose and will come into contact with your Sacred Contract!  You will find yourself on the Path of the Way of being part of The Great Work.


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