Do Numbers Intrigue You?

Some people see the pattern of numbers in everything.  Numbers have frequency and basically everything is "math".  Did you know music is mathematical?

Everything is coded and within this coding is the Matrix of all energy ... all that has life.  The movement, frequency, energy, etc are what gives life and this is mathematical in its foundation or core.

Ancient writings are coded so that they were protected.  The "Mysteries" lie within this coding/keying.  These "Mysteries" are the keys to all life...

I have always been interested in the true meaning of the Bible.  I have found that I believe to truly understand this, I would have to understand the coding of the Mysteries that lie within the pages of the varied texts.  Hebrew teachings share much of what is coded as the Hebrew alphabet all has numerical value.  Within the writings lie the Gematria of the language being conveyed.

Each word is coded, each line is coded, each sentence is coded, each paragraph is coded and so on.  Within the coding lies the messages that were being conveyed. 

This knowledge is becoming better known in the "mainstream" world and not just in the world of scholars.  This information is being offered to us if we choose to reach out and to go beyond to find what it is we are searching for... the meaning of life or the meaning of the all that is.

Part of me that is being awakened as my programming is being re-coded and re-keyed is understanding pieces of this Gematria as if it's something deep within the resonance of my soul ... my frequence matrix.

I look forward to more and how this will open up to future unlocking of the Mysteries that lie within.

~Tami (Susanah)


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