What is the difference between "channeling" and a "psychic reading"?

When I personally give a reading using Tarot or Oracle cards, I find the answers more defined to what is going on in your world at this given moment.  You can get information as to that what, when and where kind of answer.  These are in terms of your life as you feel it is in the now… related to your physical attributes of your home, the people around you, your job, the physical location of where you live and so on.  I feel  this type of reading can give you  insight on how to better your life and how to move forward to Total Prosperity in all aspects.

When I personally offer a “Channeled Message”, the message is quick and concise.  The message usually comes through from Mary, The Magdalene as spokesperson for a group she says she travels with that includes her Beloved, Jeshua (The Christ) and 24 others they travel with through time and space.  I have also at times channeled different energies that have included the Archangels Michael and Raphael, Ra, and an energy that feels like Isis.  Sometimes this message is a connection from my higher self to the seeker’s higher self.

The messages are more geared towards your Divine Contract/Purpose.  The messages don’t seem to be so concerned with where you’ll live and what job you’ll have but, more towards the person you are and what you came into this life to be and do.  They seem to be a “glimpse” into who your soul is and what your mission is in this life.

The potential questions to ask are:
1) What was my plan for this life when I came into it?
2) Am I on the right track in regards to my Divine Purpose?
3) Am I being assisted with my purpose? and, who/what is assisting me?

The answer may seem a bit confusing at the time and yet may make perfect sense.
You are asked after each channeling to make the time and space in your life to contemplate in meditation to receive further information as to enlightenment along your Path of TheWay Back to the Light (of God).

~Tami (Susanah)


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