What is an Epiphany?

I have been *seeing* and taught that each human (though born with few past memories) have our memories coded/keyed into our spiritual genetic makeup.  These coded/keys (when unlocked) are our epiphanies.

As we move through our lives we are given opportunities to awareness that eventually unlocks many of these memories or knowings.  These opportunities start small with déjà vu type situations.  How we accept this gives way to what comes next.  If we are aware that these happenings are more, then we move on to higher level key codes.  If not, we stay where we are until we are ready … if ever.

My teachers, Mary (The Magdalene) and Jeshua (The Christ) are sharing with me my personal revelations that are epiphanies in my life.

A few years ago, I regained a memory.  This memory that I was (and still am in many ways) Susanah who walked with Mary and Jeshua when they were on this earth last.  At the time that I had this “epiphany” … I realized there was a key to this when I was younger.  When I was around 3 or 4, I went through a spell where I wanted my mother to refer to me as Susie…. Interesting.

Through this revelation I knew solidly that there was more to this “channeling” of Mary (The Magdalene) than I ever imagined.  I was shown that Jeshua not only had his 12 disciples but, she had 12 as well and as Susanah I was one of these and am still a disciple of her teachings as well as that of Jeshua.  The teaching continues as I am one who travels with them throughout eternity.  We are studiers and precursors of “lantern holders” for those who wish to join on The Path of TheWay back to the Light (of God).

I have had a number of past life “blips” but, not full stories.  One of these that I was very aware of was a life where I along with a number of other women/ “sisters” went into a place of “seclusion”.  We weren’t a group of nuns per se but, definitely a “sisterhood”.  To protect those we loved, we entered this place out of choice and vowed to a life of silence.  (I had nothing else to this… but, it was/is very real to me).

A few months ago, I had a “Life Between the Life” session with Rich Haas.  In this session I saw the life mentioned above and now know that to have been my last past life.  In this, I *saw* another person who is in this life with me now.  She and I know we are “sisters”.

This “sister” is my ex-husband’s niece who I didn’t know well when married to her uncle.  When I moved to Colorado 10 years ago… my “sister” and I began to create a relationship.  At the time of the “epiphany” of *seeing* her in my past life was the awareness that she was keyed/coded into my life and came in prior to this awareness.

This “sister” walked with me with Mary and Jeshua and walks with them today at my side.  I know this “sister” and the others are all connected in such a way that we can never truly be parted as we do travel through time and space holding the lantern.

Since… I have had more information come through.  When Jeshua was crucified, many of us left and went into hiding.  Some were killed because of our association.  I along with a group of women left and went into seclusion for our safety but also for the safety of Our Lady, Our Rose, Mary.  We took the vow of silence and went so far as to have our tongues removed so that we could never through any torture give reference of Our Lady … her whereabouts, etc.  We joined to protect her then … and we are joined in protecting her now.  In our protection in the now… we tell her Truth as we weren’t able to in this past/last life.  We have vowed to serve.

~Susanah (Beloved of Mary and Jeshua)


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