I've been thinking a lot lately about where I am going in my life.  My #1 question has always been, "what is my purpose?"  I have always wanted to know what I am in this life to do and how to figure out how to make it happen.

In my personal introspection, I am finding that there are so many out there who are "disoriented".  They have a good life, good families, good friends, good jobs, and so on ... but, are miserable and can't figure out why.  The main reason is they haven't figured out what their purpose is as well.

We are a bunch of floundering people on this planet and most of us are just grasping at straws trying to figure out what we are doing, why we are here and how to be more fulfilled.

This has opened up a whole new arena for me.  I have known for some time that I am a "teacher" and I know I am good at it and I know I make a difference.  But, how to do this as a life's work ... now, that is the question.  How can I make money at this and survive while at the same time serving those who are seeking?

I have had someone mention to me that how I describe myself that I should focus on some type of "coaching".  I am not sure "coaching" is the word but, I do like Spiritual Mentor. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, how do I help others to figure out their path and to find their purpose as I develop my own purpose.  I am working on an outline for a class series, a workshop, a book ... I am not sure how this will evolve.  I am definitely going to open myself up to others one-on-one and then go from there.  Right now, I am seeing this formulate as a weekend workshop ... or perhaps a series of workshops!

I am feeling so very centered as I feel I am truly moving towards my purpose.
When asked what her purpose was, Mother Teresa never hesitated saying, "I am here to feed the poor." 
I want to be this clear on my purpose.  I am hear to help people take accountability and responsibility for their own lives and to find the way to create the world they feel comfortable, content and full of purpose.


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