
Showing posts from 2013

Ascension Integration

Many of you have been hearing there is a new energy moving in.  Many of you have known this and understood the chaotic movement and shifts as this energy comes forth. We are here to inform you, the new energy is in your dimension now and is resonating with your Earth's energy.  As this new energy integrates with the Earth, it is moving through your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.  It is moving to align you with the Earth and that which is a Galactic frequency. We are sharing that this is what we see as a first "wave" of this energy pattern moving among you.  You will have time for integration and assimilation of this energy through a pattern of your time.  For those aware and allowing of this energy "wave", the integration completion will be at the time of your Winter Solstice in your year of 2013.  After this completion, another "wave" will be added and this will continue through a span of time we can not explain. You have the choice, ...


28 August 2013 We are a collective of energies.   We are known to you though as The Christ/The Anointed One, The Magdalene/The Watchtower of the Flock/The Preparer and 24 others who travel through time and dimensions together. We came together in the bodies of physical entities in the time you refer to as The Time of Christ.   The Christ and The Magdalene are forever in the forefront as the teachers/the ones to impart wisdom.   We, of the 24, are their chosen initiates who share in their wisdom and their knowledge.   What they know we know/What we know they know.   Again, we are a collective. It has come to our attention that we need to clarify.   When we were here on the planet of Earth, we had a mission and that mission for some reason has been distorted.   It is something similar to a break or crack in a mirror.   What is seen within the cracks is an image but, one that is flawed and not whole.   The image we can to create, one to emul...

The Lie of Lack

This lie (the lie of lack) is the foundation of our culture.   This state of believing is part of many of our teachings and of history.   For some reason this has been integrated/coded into our very existence and belief system. This begins with the earliest accountings that are available. Atlantis/Lemuria – Too much information… Too much knowledge… Too much wealth of information Outcome: Atlantis disappeared. Greek/Rome Civilization – Too much opulence… Too much advancement… Too much knowledge Outcome: Greece/Rome Fell. These stories go on and on…. The stories of our masters and what it took for them to become “enlightened”: Buddha and Mohammed left … they left their families, their lives, etc to find what was important. Outcome: Lived and accepted that “lack” was the way. Jeshua … the teachings are that this master and his family were “poor”.   As far as I can tell there is no reference to this.   And, if one reads between the lines … would see...

Mary Magdalene's Feast Day - July 22nd

CELEBRATE HOLY MYSTERIES July 22 nd is Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day in the Catholic Tradition.  Interesting that the Catholics have a day to honor My Lady after calling her a prostitute and whore for decades.  In the 60s, the Catholic Church did recant this as they found no biblical reference that validated such a claim. On, this … Her Day … as we Celebrate Today! It is to honor the woman she was and is … and at the same time to honor the man, her Beloved Jeshua, who honored her and who she returned her feelings in total respect for him.  In this day of celebrating Her and the women around us … we Celebrate our Men who hold us strong and stand firm for us in support, love and in honor of us … we Respect these men! My Lady, Mary the Rose of Magdala … stands firm with her beloved Jeshua in balance.  This is the balance of male female energy … honor and respect walking hand in hand.  My Lady was prophesied about in the old testament ju...

So many thoughts...

I always have so many thoughts going on in my head that it is sometimes hard to narrow down how to write and create specific topics. I think about my family and how I need to find ways to be closer and at the same time maintain my own personal presence that is imperative for me to be who I am.  What a quandry that becomes at times. :) I think about the kids that are walking among us and how "we" as the collective metaphysical community has some how let these amazing beings down.  We haven't developed programs in which they can find a way to survival.  There are many dropping out of school!  Where does that lead to in a world that requires schooling...  Where have those who will take apprentices gone? I think about our country and how wonderful it is in so many ways ... and how warped it is in so many other ways.  I suppose this is simply the flip side to all things.  Every rose does have it's thorns.  I guess we just have to understand we ha...

What is the difference between "channeling" and a "psychic reading"?

When I personally give a reading using Tarot or Oracle cards, I find the answers more defined to what is going on in your world at this given moment.   You can get information as to that what, when and where kind of answer.   These are in terms of your life as you feel it is in the now… related to your physical attributes of your home, the people around you, your job, the physical location of where you live and so on.   I feel   this type of reading can give you   insight on how to better your life and how to move forward to Total Prosperity in all aspects. When I personally offer a “Channeled Message”, the message is quick and concise.   The message usually comes through from Mary, The Magdalene as spokesperson for a group she says she travels with that includes her Beloved, Jeshua (The Christ) and 24 others they travel with through time and space.   I have also at times channeled different energies that have included the Archangels Michael and...

Do Numbers Intrigue You?

Some people see the pattern of numbers in everything.  Numbers have frequency and basically everything is "math".  Did you know music is mathematical? Everything is coded and within this coding is the Matrix of all energy ... all that has life.  The movement, frequency, energy, etc are what gives life and this is mathematical in its foundation or core. Ancient writings are coded so that they were protected.  The "Mysteries" lie within this coding/keying.  These "Mysteries" are the keys to all life... I have always been interested in the true meaning of the Bible.  I have found that I believe to truly understand this, I would have to understand the coding of the Mysteries that lie within the pages of the varied texts.  Hebrew teachings share much of what is coded as the Hebrew alphabet all has numerical value.  Within the writings lie the Gematria of the language being conveyed. Each word is coded, each line is coded, each sentence is coded...

What is an Epiphany?

I have been *seeing* and taught that each human (though born with few past memories) have our memories coded/keyed into our spiritual genetic makeup.  These coded/keys (when unlocked) are our epiphanies. As we move through our lives we are given opportunities to awareness that eventually unlocks many of these memories or knowings.   These opportunities start small with déjà vu type situations.   How we accept this gives way to what comes next.   If we are aware that these happenings are more, then we move on to higher level key codes.   If not, we stay where we are until we are ready … if ever. My teachers, Mary (The Magdalene) and Jeshua (The Christ) are sharing with me my personal revelations that are epiphanies in my life. A few years ago, I regained a memory.   This memory that I was (and still am in many ways) Susanah who walked with Mary and Jeshua when they were on this earth last.   At the time that I had this “epiphany” … I realiz...