
Showing posts from 2018

What does The Beloved Heart Source 'Promise'?

Today, I was posed with a question. Nikki Milton with Marvel Marketing Squad posted on her Facebook Page: Guardians of The Divine - "Does your business make a promise to its clients? What's your brand promise?" Nikki posts many valuable things on her page and offers a variety of insights regarding branding and marketing. Her Facebook posts always make me think and go within. So... what is the 'promise' that I as The Beloved Heart Source make to my clients? And, secondly ... what is the 'promise' of Unlocking the Secrets Within? These are the questions as this is the branding of my business. First of all, when choosing the name of my business ... this was a process. I first thought it would be The Essential Rose but, this wasn't clear enough and didn't offer me or anyone else anything. So, I dropped it. I then went deeper within and chose: The - as this is THE place Beloved - to find the Divine Feminine/Masculine Harmony Heart - w...

Illuminators & Transformers

Lately I've been feeling a little discombobulated. Interesting that this is happening at the same time I feel things really coming together. I think it's because what is happening with me at this time as well as what I am to bring into this world is something I have been looking for and longing to do but, didn't have a clue what that was all about. And when it happens ... well, it kind of shakes things up maybe because it is something that is so unexpected. Through this transforming place I am in - I am finding the need for deeper work within - deeper than I've gone before. I understand this is to bring about illumination at new and deeper levels. As I have begun to work deeper with the Rose of my soul - my innate being - to bring this forth, my association with roses has too deepened.  Roses are something quite unique. The scent that is brought forth from roses is of an extremely high frequency that can do nothing but elevate and illuminate. I found an amazing R...


As we move through life, we come to an understanding that life is so much larger than we ever imagined. As we grow older, we can look back and reflect on places where this understanding was made apparent. For me, I consider these places - pinnacles - for they were places of extreme. The 1st that I truly remember experiencing was this: I was brought up in a traditional fundamental Christian home. This meant church on Sunday, youth group and church camp each summer as well as various other happenings. I loved each of these aspects of church. In particular, I loved church camp. I loved the comradery, the songs and the over all feeling of what the love of God was (at the time). There was one such instance though that will never leave my mind or my heart. We camped along a lake and in the morning would have early morning vespers. This was a time to come down to a place where nature had created an amphitheater of sorts. The rocks were there as if built just for us. The view was through...

What do you get out of it...?

When we reach out to someone to receive ... we need to have an idea what that might look like. If we reach out to a doctor, we are hoping to receive information regarding our spiritual well-being. If we reach out to a therapist, we are hoping to receive information regarding our emotional well-being. If we reach out to a spiritual practitioner, we are hoping to receive information regarding our spiritual well-being. The interesting aspect though with a spiritual practitioner is that we are not only setting our intent to be of assistance with the spiritual process of well-being. We are also concerned with the emotional, mental and physical aspects as well. I feel that makes us unique. For me personally and as I have stated on my website,  these are the things I adhere to: This is the place of bringing forth Empowerment within the Human Experience. We are here to find harmonization keys of our seemingly lost memories. All the Power that ever was or will be is Here Now! ...

What does it all mean?

My mother always has said to me, "Tami, you are and have always been searching." And, she has always been absolutely right! For a long time though, I didn't know exactly what I was searching for but I knew it was something extraordinarily deep... something I really couldn't put my finger on. Through a process of experience and time, I am coming to an understanding of the wisdom I have always sought. I have found it has always been there ... inside of ME! In the past, I had considered this to be external something I had to literally "find". Then to "find" it has always been there has been a true eye opener.  This moved me past the understanding of trust and belief to a deep Knowing.  To me, this is Gnosis ... the Knowing. This has been a long and arduous journey of coming to terms with this concept. I have always said I was and am a teacher. Interesting, that in my family ... there is a long line of teachers and teacher energy. I didn...

Whew! Are things ever moving fast!?

I've been thinking of what to write about and I am feeling the energy of movement! FINALLY - The planets are going direct. We still have a few in retrograde but, they are the farther out planets and therefore don't effect us quite as intensely. Now is the time if you have been thinking about bringing something forth to DO IT!  Energetically, we are being 'shot out' at this time and it is the time to take the leap. With that being said, I am contemplating the movement of energy and how fast we are all being literally shoved forward - sometimes before we are really ready. When I first began awakening to the aspect of metaphysical spirituality, I was introduced to a lovely teacher who was with me for a number of years. She introduced me to Reiki. I took my Reiki Level I and worked with her for approximately 2 years before I moved into Reiki Level II. The reason for this was to learn the importance of healing oneself.  Reiki Level I is designed to 'heal the heal...

Being in your Divinity

A couple of years ago, I met Jason Antalek. He used a terminology of "being in your Divinity". This really made me think and has had me thinking for some time. This aspect of "being in my Divinity" shifted something major inside of me. This is different than Divine Purpose - though is a part. This is different than being on your Path - though is a part. This is different than following our Heart - though is a part. This is being something that one is at the very essence of the Core of the Individual Soul. Once found and cultivated, it is then something that moves out into the collective and becomes from the place of initiation - Tikkun Olam or Repair of the World(s) . I realized this is what I had been longing for my entire existence and have stepped into it time and again but, I haven't maintained this in every incarnation ... but, it is the longing of my soul. Being in my Divinity had and has it's extreme appeal. As I have spoken before of th...

Mothers & Daughters

The relationship between mothers and daughters is beautiful and at the same time so very complicated. Who knows why? The relationship between me and my mother has always been challenging.  She has had so many expectations and I have been the total opposite of everything she ever thought her 1st daughter would be. This is neither good or bad - just different. It has been difficult because she can't begin to fathom who and what I am and at the same time difficult for me in that I have always had such a deep desire for you to just try.  It does seem that I am so far away from the foundation of who she is that she just hasn't been able to try. Honestly, she would just like to change me to be more like her in belief, lifestyle, etc. My mom recently had a pretty devastating stroke.  She can still think and talk. The part of her brain that was affected has created a scenario where she has problems walking. You have to understand that my mom has never been still for long. S...

Knowledge Dumps

What does knowing lots of "stuff" do for you? Who knows? It's like knowing trivia ... does it mean anything or is your head just full of irrelevant things. I am a 'gleaner' of information and for some odd reason I retain so much of it. I don't remember what I did yesterday but, yes! by golly ... I remember all this 'stuff'. I was talking with Nikki Milton yesterday and she said, "How do you know all this?" There was no way I could answer. She then mentioned I could utilize all this information in an interesting way. She suggested short videos called, "Knowledge Dumps". I kind of like this idea so am going to be working on this. I don't want to do this as "LIVE" videos on Facebook because I want to be able to put them on my website and finally go for a YouTube Channel and put them on there as well. NOW... this means I need to become friends with Majesto to get these up and running. Be on the lookout as these ...

Personal Fundamental Truths

Personal Fundamental Truths I have been thinking and reviewing for some time. Today, I focused.   During this time of so many planets being in retrograde I decided to take advantage of the energy and go deeply within. In looking back moving towards the present to understand my personal wisdom of Truth… I look at my 1 st  serious relationship – my first husband. I held such a love and passion for him that it was all-consuming (the energy of youth). Our relationship was electric. Because of the intensity of the love we shared – I know that this love never dies. I am no longer “in love” with him – that all consuming nature of the relationship was killed – but, there is still a love there for what we shared, the daughter we produced and the teachings within the relationship. The relationship was so intense that we burned a bit of each other up within what we held. He couldn’t maintain. We separated while I was pregnant. The day before I gave birth he and I went...

Susanah's Story

I remember being a young girl surrounded by a large family as well as external family of aunts, uncles, cousins and more. Though we were distinctively of the Tribe of Benjamin we had distinctive connections with those of the other 12 tribes – this was through out mothers. There were certain women within each tribe that held together the stories and the memories of the ancient days as well as the current time. These women, our mothers, met regularly to discuss and to share. Though yes, the men learned Torah and brought this into the home – the women held the tradition of heritage and of lineage. Though I was the youngest of many (I had  12 siblings – only 2 of which were girls! and they were older). All around me were brothers.  Because of this, I was taken with my mother to the gatherings of these women from the other tribes. As I aged a bit, I began to understand a bit of what was going on within the secrets of the information they held. Even at such a very...

Today is an Auspicious Day!

I woke up this morning hearing, “today is an auspicious day”. It is a great day of something quite profound.   I was then prompted to look at the date: 5-6 (11)   2018 (11) Today is: 11/11 and yes, this is profound and a tad auspicious! ******************************************************************* Today’s Message You are being altered through the frequency that is considered a “quickening” of your soul’s imprint. That which you are, is not what is *seen*. It is time you move past viewing yourselves as physical (corporeal). This is seeing yourself “less than”. Your viewpoint from your past has been from the aspect that you are physical and this is where the work, healing, etc is done and found. This is the ‘lie’ for you are not this being. The work, healing, etc must come from the souls origin – the essential matter of your being. You must begin to see yourself as “more than”. In this age you are now moving fully within, please know...