
Showing posts from 2020

What Distracts you from your Divinity?

What Distracts You?   We have been discussing this in the current Healing Path of The Rose class and it has really made me think this week.   I saw a quote from Dolores Cannon that made me stop: What if the Universe isn’t really testing you? Maybe it’s giving you an opportunity to practice who you say you are.   I’ve been feeling, thinking and saying that from the beginning of the COVID situation and everything else following – this is exactly what I’ve been given – an opportunity. In Kabbalah, there are 2 places on the tree where I feel there is a question being asked of us, “Are you willing to submit your will to the will of the Creator God?” a) The 1 st  time this comes up is a place where we examine the question as to what this even means. It’s not a place to answer the question but… a place to ponder the question. b) The 2 nd  time this comes up is a place that demands an answer: “Yes … No or perhaps, I’m not really sure…” Regardless, there is no right or w...

Are you willing to change to be the change?

 I have been negligent in not having the desire to blog for some time now. It's like there is so much on my heart and none of it makes sense. As we move into Election Day tomorrow 11.3.2020, I find myself bracing ... or maybe more 'preparing' for what I know is unfolding.  We are getting ready, as a collective, to move into one of the ugliest periods of our nation's history. And... who knows how long the ugliness will last? I've heard and read some profound things over the past few months. One of these is from Cindy McCain (John McCain's widow), "Yes, we are Republicans but we are first and foremost Americans." This is from her interview when she stated she was endorsing Biden. We are 1st and foremost Americans. (even though right now, it doesn't look much like this) I have traveled throughout my life across America as well as to a variety of countries and have had amazing experiences. Whenever I came home, I was always glad it was to America.  For...

What to Blog about...???

I haven't blogged for awhile and I haven't made any new YouTube videos ... I feel like I have been in a place of stasis. I feel as if I have been placed within the ' Sound of Silence ' and in this have reserved this space as needed. The Universe has challenged me to fully engage with my Divinity and to step out in Total Trust. I have done my best to do so.  I am in a place of this engagement and it is driving me to new levels of a deeper understanding from the vantage point of the observer.  In this, all I can do is be True to me and what I am shown to the core of my being and my Knowing. In this, I am only me. I am striving to be the best me I can be. I am in a place now, where I am once again feeling the need to reach out & for connection. Shalom Aleichem, Susanah Magdalena

Is Fear the Virus?

Over the past few weeks I have been contemplating fear ... what it is and what it is not. Through this process, I have asked myself, "What do I think the main thing is that Spirit has been trying to teach me throughout my life? What is it I always hear from my guides, from my heart and from others?" If I am in fear then I am not in the place of Trust ... the one thing that has been my message throughout my life. I learned from an invaluable Spiritual Teacher ... All we, as humans, want need and desire is to be listened to, heard and validated that what we think, feel & need to say has value.  We do not have to agree with one another but, it is human courtesy to understand through wisdom that everyone does not resonate exactly as we, as individuals, do. So... here I am sharing. In this, it is my prayer that you will listen, hear & validate that what I am saying has importance to me. In turn, I understand & accept that you may not agree. Through th...

It's not about ME. It's about WE.

It’s not about ME.  It’s about WE. I have recently been challenged to go within. I had someone I truly respect ask me a week or so ago if I understood we are creators.  My answer was, “Yes”. I have another friend that has challenged me in the past and continues to challenge me with the question, “Do you Believe or Do you Know?”  This is something I continue to ask on a regular basis to see where I am regarding various situations.  I don’t just understand  WE  are creators. I  Know  WE are. I also  Know WE  have created our world as it has been, as it is now and are in the process of creating it as it will be or perhaps how it is or is not in various timelines, etc. Is what we are creating pretty? Well, in view of current events, for the time, that answer to this is ‘no’. I have also been saying for some time: United we Stand. | Divided we Fall and are Conquered. In the past this has been basically about po...

Let It Be...

In July of 2019, I had a healing session with a dear friend. She talked specifically about this concept of "Let It Be". The message and the healing were quite profound. When I came back into my office space and turned on my Pandora, John Lennon was singing, "Mother Mary speaks her wisdom... Let It Be..." In this instance, this was a direct message not only from my friend but from a power teacher of mine, the Mother Mary. I have always been a 'do-er' but, I was reminded and yanked back into the concept of just BEing in the moment and to savor that. After the healing & messages, I went into a situation where I had absolutely NO voice for about 3 weeks. I realized at the time what it was all about. I was literally being shut up so I had to stop and just BE. Everything I do as a multi-dimensional communicator was being hushed up. I was to just BE. I learned so much from this experience. In January of 2020, I woke from a deep sleep hearing a vo...

What If..... ?

The Parable of the Mustard Seed In the Gospel of Matthew the parable is as follows:... He set another parable before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches." —  Matthew 13:31–32,  World English Bible In the Gospel of Mark: He said, "How will we liken the Kingdom of God? Or with what parable will we illustrate it? It's like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, though it is less than all the seeds that are on the earth, yet when it is sown, grows up, and becomes greater than all the herbs, and puts out great branches, so that the birds of the sky can lodge under its shadow."  —  Mark 4:30–32,  World English Bible In the Gospel of Luke: He said, "What is the Kingdom of God ...

Truth vs Fear

I've been thinking during the past couple of weeks regarding all of this going on in our world regarding this coronavirus. I've been wondering what is the 'behind the scenes' situation that we are to be aware of and learning from. I've been observant in this whole scenario doing my best to distance myself to be this observer. I've come to the conclusion that what is going on 'behind the scenes' doesn't really matter. What is mattering is our actions & reactions. Even those of us (me included) that are trying to downplay the 'fear' are actually part of escalating fear. Even as we try to negate the impact, the opposite seems to be occurring. Even as we do our best to negate fear, every time we support none fear - the fear mongers step up in vigilance and even violence. This creates more division. This is a battle tactic that is quite successful - Divide and Conquer. In this, the fear is conquering. My suggestion: who really knows? I ...

Finding Empowered Brilliance

As many of you know, I work with a beautiful tool from Rose Alchemy - created by Sandy Humby ... a beautifully intense Rose Oracle deck. The precept of this deck is Sandy's journey in healing and finding herself. I feel her journey is a journey we all experience at some level within this physical existence. I have found myself quite profoundly as I have moved through personally working with what these cards offer. Sandy writes about in the accompanying book about 5 identifiable Heart Wounds (associated with wounds of the Divine Feminine). I have so deeply resonated with his for many reasons. One of the main reasons though is that I have been shown through the vibrations of the Master Teacher, Jeshua, Mary (The Mother) and Mary (The Magdalene) that it is through the opening of the doorway of the Vesica Piscis (the entry point to all life) correlating with the Divine Feminine that this is the foundational passage way to the healing of the Sacred & Divine Masculine. It is t...

2020 & What it is Showing Me!

I am finding personally that 2020 is challenging me further into my Divinity. This began in January as I offered a workshop I hold each year that I call ReKindled Spirit - 2020 Tarot Review where each participant chooses a card from the Major Arcana of the Tarot that correlates to the each month & a specific energy associated with that month. We then pull a card that is considered the Self-Mastery Card. This Self-Mastery card holds the overview for each month and what is in the works to be attained and/or actualized into materialization. For me, my Self-Mastery Card is The World. The World card on the Tarot has numerous factors around it but, it's major aspect is that it is a card of completion. For me, this is telling me that this year is a year for me to tie up loose ends and to gather everything I have and hold to move into what is to open next. The card shows a hermaphroditic version of a person in the center of the card. This person is holding 2 wan...

Confidence vs Ego

Whenever it's time for me to write a new Blog Post, I always have so many things on my mind and heart that I have to be discerning as to what is needed to be brought forward at the moment.  So... I sit back and ask and sit with it until something pops into my forefront awareness. This time it was Confidence vs Ego ... an interesting topic to say the least. I am finding there is a confusion between the two and what they actually mean and bring forward for each of us.  I see and here people afraid to step into the Power because of the Ego component. We have been so brain-washed and geared that to be our authentic self within Confidence is bad. 1. Don't toot your own horn. 2. Don't Apologize for everything. 3. and on and on..... I'm saying ... Toot your Horn!  Let people know who you are and what you excel in!  What do you bring to the table in all aspects of your life.  I challenge you to write a Spiritual Resume as if you were applying to the Cosmic Co...

Talkin' Reiki - Back to Basics

This is about Reiki and, at the same time, about so much more.    I understand the vibrations and energies are expanding and are moving faster, or perhaps seemingly so. There is no element of time in Spirit so, the question arises, “Are things really moving faster? Or Are we simply more receptive to the vibrations?”  In this, I feel regardless, we are still spirits within the human experience or perhaps experiment…… I have been saying for years that we (please know I include myself in this) are perhaps rushing things and in this, becoming rash.  Within rashness, dis-harmony has an opportunity to show itself. I feel this is showing itself in many aspects of developing Spirituality but… is quite apparent within the Reiki energy. (Probably because there are so many immersed within this energy teaching.) A couple of years ago a person I highly regard came to me asking me if I had noticed anything ‘amiss’ within Reiki. This sort of ...

Icing, Cake or Meat & Potatoes

This is the question... what is it about each aspect of Icing, Cake and Meat & Potatoes that asks us where we are in our Spiritual evolution and/or what we serve as Light Beings? I've been thinking about what it is I offer to world and cosmic consciousness and how this is accepted and/or not accepted. Because even within Spiritual & Metaphysical community, I am different and somewhat on the 'outside' ... seeming to always look in. When we first lift up the 'rose colored glasses' to just take a peep, we are attracted (as with all initial enticements) by the surface ... or the icing. This is when we all dive into everything... we read every book we can get our hands on, we take every class that is offered, we are beguiled by the bounty. There are many places and places to explore with in the vibration of the 'icing'. There comes a point though, where we get tired of icing and it gets somewhat boring because it isn't sustaining and we f...